
Breitbart to Host ‘Big Tech vs. Free Speech” Town Hall in NOLA – April 5th with Ann Coulter, Alex Marlow, Peter Schweizer, Robert Epstein

- Maret 31, 2018

Breitbart News Network will host “Big Tech vs. Free Speech” town hall in New Orleans, Louisiana on Thursday April 5th.

The speakers will include: Alex Marlow, EIC of Breitbart, best-selling author Ann Coulter, best-selling author Peter Schweizer and research psychologist Robert Epstein.

Breitbart.com reported:

Breitbart News Network (BNN) will host a live town hall — “Masters of the Universe”: Big Tech vs. Free Speech and Privacy — to take place on April 5 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The event will be live streamed on Breitbart.com and Facebook.

“Big tech is the biggest threat to free speech at this moment in time, and there is no fiercer advocate for the first amendment than Breitbart News,” said Alex Marlow, Editor-in-Chief of Breitbart. “Never has so much power been concentrated in the hands of so few people, and Silicon Valley elite have, thus far, been able to operate with virtually zero transparency. The Masters of the Universe are unfathomably influential, secretive, and they are surveilling all of us right now, stockpiling our data for their own purposes. It’s time we broaden the discussion.”

Marlow will moderate the town hall, which starts at 7:00 p.m. at Andrea’s restaurant in Metairie, and it will feature a panel of America’s leading minds in politics, technology, and media, including:

Ann Coulter, political commentator, author, syndicated columnist, and lawyer
Peter Schweizer, President of the Government Accountability Institute and best-selling author of Clinton Cash and Secret Empires
Robert Epstein, Senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology

Dr. Epstein joined Tucker Carlson last week to discuss an upcoming presentation on “The Search Suggestion Effect (SSE): How Search Suggestions Can Be Used To Shift Opinions and Voting Preferences Dramatically.” The AIBRT researchers looked at the power of Google and Facebook to influence elections. The study spanned five years of investigations.

The results are stunning.

Dr. Epstein told Tucker Carlson: I can tell you we should be paranoid because Google and Facebook can do is really mind-boggling. For example if Mark Zuckerberg on election day last year, if he had chosen to press the enter key early morning and just sent out a message to Hillary Clinton supporters only saying, “Go out and vote,” that would have sent her an additional 450,000 voters that day with no one knowing that this had occurred. And that’s just Facebook. What Google can do is really off the scale. Our studies show that Google can take a 50-50 split among undecided voters and change it into a 90-10 split with no one knowing they had been manipulated and without leaving a paper trail… It has to do with those search suggestions. Literally from the very first character that you type into the search bar you are being manipulated. And we’ve done 16 months of experiments. We’ve done all the research now and we know exactly how this works… The threat is absolutely, positively profound.

This was a shocking segment.
Even Tucker Carlson was stunned by Dr. Epstein’s study.

But Google and Facebook won’t be surprised by the results.
There’s a reason why they’ve been targeting conservative websites for the past year.

Here’s the video—
Via Tucker Carlson Tonight:

GOP leaders in Congress may want to focus on this threat to their base and to America instead of working so hard to derail the Trump administration.
…Before it’s too late.

The post Breitbart to Host ‘Big Tech vs. Free Speech” Town Hall in NOLA – April 5th with Ann Coulter, Alex Marlow, Peter Schweizer, Robert Epstein appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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