
Developing: Here Are Two of the FISA Court Judges Who Rubber-Stamped Illegal Warrants to Spy on Trump’s Camp

- Maret 03, 2018

Two FISA court judges who rubber-stamped the illegal surveillance warrants signed by Comey, McCabe and Sally Yates to spy on Trump’s campaign have been revealed.


Paul Sperry of the New York Post reported: “DEVELOPING: US Judge Anne C. Conway and US Judge Raymond J. Dearie among the 4 FISA court judges who rubber-stamped illegal FISA surveillance warrants signed by Comey, McCabe and Yates to spy on Trump campaign”

Chief Justice John Roberts (George W. Bush nominee) appointed Judge Conway to the FISC (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) for a term that began in May of 2016.

Chief Justice John Roberts appointed Judge Raymond Dearie of New York to the FISC in 2010. Dearie is a veteran prosecutor who is described as fair with “no leanings.”

On February 2nd, the House Intel Committee released their declassified 4-page FISA memo outlining abuses of surveillance by Obama’s DOJ and FBI.

The memo revealed Hillary’s phony dossier formed an essential part of initially obtaining a FISA warrant and all three subsequent renewals.

Former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe testified that if not for the dossier, the FBI would have never sought a FISA warrant on Carter Page.

The political origins of Hillary’s dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, however; they were excluded from the FISA applications.

Were these judges really duped? What did they know? Why haven’t the judges taken action knowing they were misled?

On Thursday, Chairman Nunes sent a blistering letter to AG Sessions stating the FBI may have violated criminal statutes by using unverified information to obtain a FISA warrant on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

This is why a Special Counsel needs to be appointed to investigate everything and everyone surrounding the FISA abuse and Hillary’s dossier.

Paul Sperry is the former D.C. bureau chief for Investor’s Business Daily, Hoover Institution media fellow, author of several books, including bestseller INFILTRATION

The post Developing: Here Are Two of the FISA Court Judges Who Rubber-Stamped Illegal Warrants to Spy on Trump’s Camp appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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