
President Trump Says 2018 Elections Need To Focus On Taxes, Dems’ “Dangerous Positions” On Immigration

- Maret 22, 2018

During a speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee March Dinner, President Trump stressed what he believes fellow Republicans need to focus on not just now, but for their re-elections. Among the issues POTUS sees as central to future Republican success is pointing out the incredible failures that the far left have had on this country, these include tax policies that have stifled business while hampering the American worker and “dangerous” immigration policies that have lead to the rise of gangs such as MS-13.

On differing approaches to tax policy, POTUS stated:

But while Republicans were fighting to reduce taxes for hardworking Americans, the Democrats were fighting to increase taxes.  That’s what they want to do.  They’re actually working right now to increase taxes.  And I’m saying, “How do you lose to that?”  (Laughter.)  They want to increase taxes.  Maybe they’ll call that tax reform.  (Laughter.)

On the damage that far left immigration, and lack of immigration enforcement, have had on the country:

House Democrats also voted against Kate’s Law -– a commonsense bill authored by Chairman Bob Goodlatte.  Where’s Bob?  Bob.  (Applause.)  Bob.  Thank you, Bob.  And that bill has been sitting for a long time over there, Bob, hasn’t it?  It’s too bad.

They voted against legislation to keep gang members like MS-13 out of our country.  These are extreme and dangerous positions.  They make no sense.

President Trump summarized what he believes will be the largest issues for American voters, “everyday working people”, whom he believes the Democrats people have completely “lost touch” with:

So here is our message from the coming election to the American people: If the Democrats ever got back into power, they would vote to raise your taxes; release dangerous criminals; open your borders; shut down this great surge of American energy that is tremendous for jobs, tremendous for the economic wellbeing of our country, and, frankly, helping the world.  They would take over American healthcare; take away your Second Amendment; and ship away your jobs to other countries, like has gone on for so many years.  And those days are over.  Those days are over.  (Applause.)

You can read a transcript of the full speech at WhiteHouse.Gov

The post President Trump Says 2018 Elections Need To Focus On Taxes, Dems’ “Dangerous Positions” On Immigration appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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