
Catch Up On the Week at RedState with the ‘WTH Happened This Week’ Podcast

- April 21, 2018

RedState senior contributor, Kimberly Ross, and Assistant Editor, Andrea Ruth, bring to you a summary of news from the week and how RedState covered each issue. This week, contributor Sarah Quinlan joined the show.

Look for our weekly episodes every Saturday morning. You should also definitely subscribe on iTunes and leave a review (5 is our favorite number).

Stories below:

The Women’s March Is Becoming Too Extreme For Democrats, But Not Enough For Them To Denounce It

Dear Conservatives: Stop Acting Like the Left When You Get Your Feelings Hurt

Watch: George W. Bush Wins Husband Of The Month

Why We Shouldn’t Trivialize the Starbucks Arrests

1992 Letter To The Editor From Trump’s ‘Secretary’ Is Hilariously Embarrassing

Starbucks To Shut Down Stores For Self-Flagellating Racial Bias Training

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