
Michael Cohen Negotiated Million Dollar Payoff for Wealthy GOP Donor Who Impregnated Nude Model

- April 14, 2018

Can we talk about Michael Cohen’s specific field of legal expertise?

I mean, it really seems to be damage control, and little else.

We know all about the agreement he made with porn star Stormy Daniels, in regards to buying her silence in 2016, over the affair she had in 2006 with Donald Trump.

Daniels was paid $130,000 to deny that affair, even though she’d previously taken a polygraph test – passed it – and given an interview to In Touch Magazine.

Cohen seemed to acknowledge the payoff, and claimed he made the payment “as a favor” to his client, after releasing the statement saying rumors of an affair were untrue.

He doesn’t seem like the best and brightest to come out of the legal profession, does he?

In what is breaking news, it appears Cohen’s experience in the field of paying off porn stars isn’t limited to Trump, but also, for Trump’s friends and associates.

Elliot Broidy, a prominent GOP donor, took advantage of Cohen’s mud-dwelling and had the shifty character negotiate a $1.6 million settlement for his particular “indiscretions.”

Broidy is a venture capitalist out of Los Angeles, and the current deputy finance chair for the Republican National Committee.

In today’s news, it is revealed that Cohen made the arrangements, and delivered the payment to a Playboy model impregnated by Broidy.

“I acknowledge I had a consensual relationship with a Playboy Playmate,” Broidy said in a statement to the Journal.

“At the end of our relationship, this woman shared with me that she was pregnant. She alone decided that she did not want to continue with the pregnancy and I offered to help her financially during this difficult period,” he added.

It always smacks of hypocrisy – and definitely damages the message – when someone with a prominent position in the Republican structure pays for a porn star to get an abortion.

So much for the pro-life right image.

Cohen is also a national deputy fundraising chair for the RNC and arranged the payment over two years in quarterly installments as part of a deal preventing the woman from disclosing the relationship, the Journal reports.

The contract also prohibits the pursuit of what the woman said were impending legal charges against Broidy and claims that Broidy paid her for a sexual relationship that lasted one to two years, a source told the Journal.

Paid her? There’s a name for that. It slips my mind, at the moment.

Part of the deal drawn up by Cohen is that Broidy denies he had to pay this woman, and agrees he’ll not seek any legal retribution.

But why Cohen?

Cohen knew the woman’s attorney and had a previous association with him.

“Mr. Cohen reached out to me after being contacted by this woman’s attorney, Keith Davidson. Although I had not previously hired Mr. Cohen, I retained Mr. Cohen after he informed me about his prior relationship with Mr. Davidson,” Broidy said.

Quite the sordid entanglement to come on the heels of everything else Cohen’s hands are in. His offices were raided on Monday by FBI agents, said to be investigating for potential wire fraud, bank fraud, and campaign finance violations.


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