
MORE FAKE NEWS FROM AP: Photo Shows Scott Pruitt DID NOT Travel with Extensive Security Team to Rose Bowl

- April 08, 2018

The Associated Press is doing more of what it does best — promoting fake news with a hard left bias to the masses.

The Associated Press is FURIOUS that EPA chief Scott Pruitt is traveling with a security detail.

The violence of the left is at peak highs since Donald Trump announced his run for president but the AP is one of the so-called news organizations that likes to ignore the extreme violence of the left.

In their latest screed against EPA chief Pruitt the Associate Press is outraged that he traveled with an extensive security detail to Florida.

The Associated Press reported this as hard news:

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt’s concern with his safety came at a steep cost to taxpayers as his swollen security detail blew through overtime budgets and at times diverted officers away from investigating environmental crimes…

…Nearly three dozen EPA security and law enforcement agents were assigned to Pruitt, according to a summary of six weeks of weekly schedules obtained by Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

Those schedules show multiple EPA security agents accompanied Pruitt on a family vacation to California that featured a day at Disneyland and a New Year’s Day football game where his home state Oklahoma Sooners were playing in the Rose Bowl. Multiple agents also accompanied Pruitt to a baseball game at the University of Kentucky and at his house outside Tulsa, during which no official EPA events were scheduled.

But as Mike Cernovich pointed out… This AP story is complete rubbish.
Scott Pruitt DID NOT travel to the Sooners’ football game with a 30 member security detail.
Pruitt was at the Sooner game with his family. And left his seat several times without security detail despite being in California.

Pruitt is on the right.

The AP hit piece reads like a Soros-funded screed on Think Progress. The AP is one of the far left organizations that is helping Facebook to crack down on conservative news. This is what we are up against.

The post MORE FAKE NEWS FROM AP: Photo Shows Scott Pruitt DID NOT Travel with Extensive Security Team to Rose Bowl appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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