
SHOWDOWN=> Smaller Version of Illegal Alien Caravan With ‘Unknown Number’ of Asylum Seekers Still Marching to US Border

- April 06, 2018

Earlier this week, embedded Buzzfeed reporter, Adolfo Flores reported the Mexican immigration authorities said they were planning on disbanding the caravan of illegal aliens by Wednesday in Oaxaca.

However, defiant caravan organizers vowed to march forward with their list of demands to the U.S. border and plan to cross over from Baja, California.

The caravan began to splinter into smaller groups after attracting the ire of President Trump and conservatives.

Although the number of aliens marching to the US border has reduced from the original 1,500 or so, many still plan to seek asylum from the United States.

Embedded Buzzfeed reporter, Adolfo Flores reported Thursday morning a smaller version of the caravan with “unknown numbers” with asylum seekers will continue to defiantly march to the US border.

Flores reported, “Caught up with some guys from the caravan yesterday, who got permission from Mexican authorities to travel through the country, leaving via bus now that they don’t have to worry about getting stopped by immigration.”

Illegal aliens who want to continue to the US border will go to legal workshops where they learn how to exploit our dangerous porous border.

Flores reports some plan on staying in Mexico while others will march to the US border.

Adolfo Flores: “People who have received humanitarian visas or permissions to remain in Mexico have been leaving since yesterday. A smaller version of the caravan, numbers unknown, with asylum seekers will continue on.”

President Trump said Tuesday to press pool reporters he will use the military to guard the border against the caravan of illegal aliens marching their way to the United States from Mexico.

President Trump told reporters, “Until we have a wall and proper security, we’re going to be guarding our border with the military.”

Wednesday evening, President Trump signed the proclamation directing the National Guard be deployed to the Mexican border immediately.

Mexican drug cartels, illegal aliens and other criminal activity must be stopped at the US border.

We need a wall and we need Congress to dismantle Obama’s dangerous ‘catch and release’ policy which caused asylum applications to explode.

The post SHOWDOWN=> Smaller Version of Illegal Alien Caravan With ‘Unknown Number’ of Asylum Seekers Still Marching to US Border appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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