
Teen Vogue Promotes Communism in ‘Explainer on Capitalism’ Authored By Antifa Extremist

- April 14, 2018

Teen Vogue has published what they are claiming is an “explainer on capitalism” authored by an communist extremist.

The piece was written by anarchist Kim Kelly, whose previous work for the outlet (which is marketed towards teenagers) included an article about how she is on food stamps. According to her bio, she is an active member of Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council and various associated anarchist projects in NYC.

teen vogue

Kelly admits that “for someone who owns a company and employs other workers, capitalism may make sense: The more profits your company brings in, the more resources you have to share with your workers, which theoretically improves everyone’s standard of living.” Yet, goes on to instruct teenagers that “opponents,” which includes herself, argue that “capitalism is, by nature, exploitative, and leads to a brutally divided society that tramples the working classes in favor of fattening the rich’s wallets.”

The lengthy article also repeatedly promotes and links to the work of Karl Marx.

“As German Communist philosopher and economist Karl Marx — perhaps the most famous opponent of capitalism in history, who ironically enough helped to popularize the term — wrote in his book Capital, Volume 1: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production, ‘Just as man is governed, in religion, by the products of his own brain, so, in capitalist production, he is governed by the products of his own hand,’” Kelly wrote.

She argues that “Marx also emphasized the system’s capacity to dehumanize workers, writing that capitalist methods of productivity ‘mutilate the labourer into a fragment of a man, degrade him to the level of an appendage of a machine, destroy every remnant of charm in his work and turn it into a hated toil.’”

While Teen Vogue clearly attempted to appear impartial, they failed miserably — as one would expect when commissioning a member of antifa to write for you.

“In a capitalist country, the focus is on profits over anything else; in a socialist country, the public is seen to be more important, and social welfare is a major priority,” Kelly wrote, asserting that capitalist nations like the United States do not care about the public good.

The author fails to provide examples of what has happened in communist nations — or what is happening right now in Venezuela — where people have resorted to eating zoo animals to avoid starving to death.

Approximately 100 million people are believed to have been killed by Communist regimes across the globe.

The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression by Stéphane Courtois estimates the number of people killed by Communists as follows:

  • 65 million in the People’s Republic of China
  • 20 million in the Soviet Union
  • 2 million in Cambodia
  • 2 million in North Korea
  • 1.7 million in Ethiopia
  • 1.5 million in Afghanistan
  • 1 million in the Eastern Bloc
  • 1 million in Vietnam
  • 150,000 in Latin America
  • 10,000 deaths “resulting from actions of the international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power.”

Economic historian Michael Ellman has argued that the book’s estimate of “at least 500,000” deaths during the Soviet famine of 1946–48 “is formulated in an extremely conservative way, since the actual number of victims was much larger.” He believes there may have been as many as 1,500,000 deaths, which means the estimates could be higher than Courtois’ estimation.

These facts are probably a little pesky for the agenda they are trying to force upon teenagers.

In October, Teen Vogue published an uncritical “Antifa explainer,” which glorified the violent groups and explained to their young audience what they can also do “in their own lives to stop fascism.”

The interview was with Dartmouth College historian Mark Bray, who is the author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook. In the first question, the professor describes the militant leftist groups as “a pan-radical-left politic, or activity of militant self-defense against the far right.”

“Antifa grows out of a larger revolutionary politics that aspires toward creating a better world,” Bray told Teen Vogue.

Teen Vogue has also faced backlash for publishing a how-to explainer on having anal sex.

“This is anal 101, for teens, beginners and all inquisitive folk,” author Gigi Engle wrote in Teen Vogue’s “A Guide to Anal Sex.” The original version of the story included nothing about engaging in safe sex — but was later edited to urge their teenage readers to use condoms.

Teen Vogue defended the article by calling concerned parents “homophobic.”

“The backlash to this article is rooted in homophobia,”Phillip Picardi, the magazine’s digital editorial director, wrote on Twitter. “It’s also laced in arcane delusion about what it means to be a young person today.”

The post Teen Vogue Promotes Communism in ‘Explainer on Capitalism’ Authored By Antifa Extremist appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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