Well, this is an unfortunate application of the term.
In agreeing to meet with North Korea’s maniac leader, Kim Jong Un, President Trump is breaking with past American presidents who refused to allow it to appear that the Kims were either legitimate leaders, or that the oppressive regimes they forced their people to live under were acceptable.
All it took to coax Trump to the table was a few vague promises and the notion that this would make him look like the leader who diverted the threat of World War III.
So should we overlook the shoddy track record of North Korea for keeping its promises?
I’m pretty sure Donald Trump is oblivious to all of this. He certainly doesn’t listen to his military advisers.
Trump’s fascination with dictators and foreign strong men is a thing to behold.
He recently congratulated Russia’s Vladimir Putin on winning what was known to be a sham election, even with a card in front of him from his advisers, with the words, in bold, all-capital letters, “DO NOT CONGRATULATE.”
As if Trump would let a chance to bond with his man-crush pass.
Earlier today, Trump expressed his change of heart, regarding the man he once sought to antagonize with the nickname, “little rocket man.”
“He really has been very open and, I think, very honorable from everything we’re seeing,” Trump said of Kim Jong Un during a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron at the White House.
Very honorable? And he’s saying this in reference to Kim Jong Un?
So this would be the same Kim Jong Un that ordered his brother murdered with a banned nerve agent.
It’s the same Kim Jong Un who routinely imprisons dissidents, starves his own people, and, hey, does anybody remember Otto Warmbier?
Warmbier is the 22-year old American student studying abroad, who thought joining a tourist group traveling through North Korea in 2016 would be a hoot.
He was charged with taking a propaganda poster from a wall at a hotel while there and sentenced to 15 years in one of North Korea’s treacherous prisons.
North Korean officials claim he fell ill with botulism, shortly after arriving and that he had a violent reaction to the medication given to him.
When Swedish embassy officials, acting on behalf of the U.S. attempted to see him, they were denied.
When he was returned to the U.S. in June 2017, his parents claim he was blind, deaf, and howling incoherently. He died shortly after returning home.
North Korea is also listed on the 2018 World Watch List of the most oppressive nations for Christians at #1 – a spot they’ve held for the past 17 years.
North Korea is a nation where the main “religion” is atheism, with the Kim family considered to be “gods” and the only ones worthy of worship. To be found in possession of a Bible or praising the true God could mean imprisonment or death, not just for those discovered, but for their entire families.
But please, let’s leave room to consider that maybe we’ve judged Kim Jong Un unfairly.
Trump went on:
“Unlike past administrations, I will leave the table. But I think we have the chance to do something very special,” he said.
Past administrations never let themselves be pulled to that table, to begin with. There’s that.
And to be clear, this isn’t the first time a North Korean leader has toyed with the idea of ending their nuclear ambitions, only to go back on their word, shortly after.
Trump sees a way to making a real mark on history for himself with this, however, so he’s going for it.
In the meantime, here’s the short version of the horrors Christians face under the regime of the “very honorable” Kim.
The post Trump Expresses Optimism Over Talks With “Very Honorable” Kim Jong Un (Little Rocket Man, No More?) appeared first on RedState.