David Hogg, a survivor of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., speaks during the “March for Our Lives” rally in support of gun control in Washington, Saturday, March 24, 2018. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
Comedy outlet We the Internet TV took on the gun control debate recently, skewering both sides of the contentious issue and taking on the “newest form of American celebrity – the mass shooting survivor”. This particular video takes on more of a serious tone than their typical fare, but host Lou Perez still doesn’t shy away from tasteless jokes that will make you roll your eyes as you giggle.
The overall message of the video is one worth listening to. We often insult and degrade celebrities who force their political views on us when those views are in opposition to our own. We tell the to “shut up and sing”. But when a celebrity who supports our views comes along, we celebrate and elevate that person.
We are doing the same thing with the Parkland students.
You’re either praising these students for speaking out or wishing they’d shut their bluecheck mouths and tweet about anything else. Unless they happen to be Kyle Kashuv another Stoneman-Douglas student who survived the shooting but who happens to be an outspoken supporter of gun rights. In which case you’re like, “You’re damn right Kyle deserves a blue check. He deserves TWO blue checks for the 2A.”
It’s worth the watch. How much authority should we give the opinions of victims? How little? Is it possible for Americans to consider two sides of one argument? How many bad jokes can Lou Perez cram into one thought-provoking commentary?
The post Can Victims Be Wrong? [VIDEO] appeared first on RedState.