Obama’s former DNI Chief James Clapper told CNN last Thursday “it was a good thing” the FBI was spying on Trump’s campaign.
This was after he initially denied the Intelligence Community was spying on Donald Trump.
Clapper told CNN it was a good thing if the FBI had someone “observing” the Trump’s campaigns interaction with the Russians because the “Russians posed a threat to the very basis of our political system.”
James Clapper also told Joy Behar on The View that the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign — but he didn’t like to use “that word.”
Now this…
Clapper is continuing to change his story. Today he told Axios the deep state spying on Trump was actually “Benign version of information gathering.”
Via Zero Hedge:
“He deliberately spun it, distorted it. I mean this is George Orwell — up is down, black is white, peace is war. That’s exactly what I didn’t say. I took aversion to the word spy, it was the most benign version of information gathering. The important thing is the whole reason the FBI was doing this was concern over what the Russians were doing to infiltrate the campaign, not spying on the campaign.
So now they’re calling if “benign information gathering.”
Until Clapper’s next interview.
Featured image via Jack Posobiec
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