
Deep State Spy and Trump-Basher Stefan Halper Openly Advocated for Hillary in 2016 While Spying on Trump

- Mei 25, 2018

It has been widely reported that the Obama administration had a spy working inside the Trump campaign.

The informant, Stefan Halper, was paid a total of $411,575 in 2016 and 2017 for work with the US government that included spying on the Trump campaign.

After the election Halper  pitched himself for a senior Trump admin position.


Now this…

Stefan Halper was promoting Hillary Clinton publicly while he spied on the Trump Campaign.


Sputnik News reported:

Both US presidential candidates have repeatedly stressed the special character of US-UK relations, which is reflected in close military, intelligence and economic cooperation.

“I believe [Hillary] Clinton would be best for US-UK relations and for relations with the European Union. Clinton is well-known, deeply experienced and predictable. US-UK relations will remain steady regardless of the winner although Clinton will be less disruptive over time,” Halper, who served as deputy assistant secretary of state for political-military affairs and senior adviser to the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice, said.

On June 24, Clinton stated that the US respects the choice of people in the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, and underscored the need to make clear the commitment of the United States to “the special relationship” with London.

On the same day, the Republican nominee stated that the United Kingdom and the United States would remain great allies regardless of Brexit, adding that Washington never had a better ally in history.

Both countries are members of NATO and share intelligence through the United Kingdom – United States of America Agreement (UKUSA). The two countries have also been allies in numerous conflicts, including the two World Wars. As for economic cooperation, the United States is the UK’s largest source of FDI (foreign direct investment) and vice versa.

The post Deep State Spy and Trump-Basher Stefan Halper Openly Advocated for Hillary in 2016 While Spying on Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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