
DISGUSTING: Valerie Jarrett Responds to Roseanne’s Tweet – BASHES AND BLAMES TRUMP (VIDEO)

- Mei 30, 2018

Late last night Roseanne Barr tweeted out a joke in poor taste directed at failed President Barack Obama’s top adviser Valerie Jarrett.

Roseanne was immediately fired by ABC.

Meanwhile this offensive anti-gay clown Jimmy Kimmel still has a job.
Only conservatives are banished from ABC.

On Tuesday night Valerie Jarrett responded to the Roseanne attacks — She used the opportunity to bash Trump.

Valerie Jarrett: The tone does start at the top. And we like to look up to our president and feel that he represents the values of our country. But I also think every individual citizen has a responsibility too. And it’s up to all of us to push back. Our government is only going to be as good as we make it be. .

Democrat Rep. Jim McGovern agreed with Jarrett.

The post DISGUSTING: Valerie Jarrett Responds to Roseanne’s Tweet – BASHES AND BLAMES TRUMP (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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