Some time ago, while considering the media’s endorsement of adolescents fighting on the left side of a political issue, a friend of mine wrote this:
“It seems to me that cheering them on to demand things of adults in our society — whatever it may be — is not a good thing. Generally, my impression is that they are the most spoiled, entitled, enabled, petty, indignant, disrespectful, and grossly ignorant generation.”
They posted that to social media, and a day later, they removed it, concluding it was a far sight too “get off my lawn.”
They didn’t mean to rage against the youth of the nation; in fact, they weren’t at all angry. In their view, they were merely stating something self-evident. They were mentioning the blueness of the sky and its relation to a public debate. But it sure seemed gruff. Then again, how could they downplay what they observed to be the greenness of grass?
Or, at least, how could they state the above without it seeming terribly harsh?
Perhaps it is more aptly done with wit. Maybe it is most well accomplished with a cartoon. Perhaps it is very best of all performed on Fox’s Family Guy, which hysterically lampooned Millennials — a group comprised of people ages 18-36 — in its May 6th installment.
I could describe the award-winning satirical show’s portrayal of the Safe Space generation, but viewing it for yourself is far more gratifying.
In the episode, main character Peter’s employer realizes the company must reach out to the triggered demographic. Therefore, he shows his staff an educational film. Enjoy:
A few more plot points:
- Peter’s boss hires a Millennial named Hammer as social media director. Hammer introduces himself and explains that he expects “good things to happen to [him] without working for them.”
- Hammer says he would like to list his trigger warnings. A coworker asks what a trigger warning is, which in turn triggers Hammer. He tweets about the offense, which goes viral. The employee is subsequently fired.
- Hammer teaches Peter — who is now sporting a man bun — how to vape.
- Peter becomes addicted to his cell phone, much like Hammer, who is hit by a bus and killed because of the distraction of his phone.
- Peter becomes the new social media director, and he starts a 6-second talk show to cater to Millennials’ attention span.
- Peter is invited to tour a Silicon Valley tech group’s operation, where he accidentally shuts down the entire internet by peeing on the mainframe computer while in search of the gender-fluid bathroom.
Sounds about harshly and hilariously right.
As for myself, I have optimism for tomorrow; and as such, I have hope for those in whose hands lies our country’s future. I’m particularly buoyed by the notion that, if we as a nation can laugh at ourselves, perhaps we can look inward to the betterment of all. But if not, thanks to Family Guy, we can all at least laugh.
The post ‘Family Guy’ Says This Is a Millennial appeared first on RedState.