
CNN Compares Restaurant Kicking Out Sarah Sanders Private Family Dinner to Bakery Refusing Joe Biden Campaign Photo-Op

- Juni 24, 2018

Apples and oranges–or bananas. CNN’s ace Internet sleuth reporter, Andrew Kaczynski, bragged on Twitter he is finding lots of conservative hypocrisy over their comparative reactions to Sarah Sanders and Joe Biden being turned away from Virginia food establishments in recent years.

Friday night White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked by the owner to leave the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia where she went with her family for a private dinner.

Kaczynski is comparing a private dinner with no press to an Obama-Biden presidential reelection campaign stop in 2012 for a media event at a bakery in Radford, Virginia.

“I’m doing a search of entertainment conservatives who celebrated a Virginia bakery who refused to serve Biden and are condemning Red Hen for not serving Sarah Huckabee Sanders and having a 100% success rate so far.”

When called out by Seattle radio host Jason Rantz, Kaczynski doubled down.

“This is a CNN reporter too dumb and lazy to be honest so I shall: the bakery in question was asked to host a CAMPAIGN stop. But now CNN believes businesses should be forced to host campaign visits.”

“Jason, I hope to someday be as smart as you to call people I disagree dumb and lazy, but if you read it you’d see they turned down hosting him on a way to a campaign stop because he didn’t like his political beliefs and was *widely celebrated*.”

That Kaczynski cannot see the difference between refusing to allow someone to use your establishment as a political prop and someone kicking out a patron and their family from a private dinner is quite telling of the arrogance of CNN.

Excerpt from the Roanoke Times from August 17, 2012.

“Chris McMurray had just opened his bakery, Crumb and Get It, Wednesday morning when he received a visit from Biden’s advance team asking if he’d host the vice president for a media event on the way to his scheduled speech at Virginia Tech.

McMurray politely declined out of a difference in politics, and Biden instead went up the street to the River Street Grill instead.

…Chris McMurray had just opened his bakery, Crumb and Get It, Wednesday morning when he received a visit from Biden’s advance team asking if he’d host the vice president for a media event on the way to his scheduled speech at Virginia Tech.

McMurray politely declined out of a difference in politics, and Biden instead went up the street to the River Street Grill instead.”

As one can read from the article, McMurray was turning down a request to use his business as a photo-op for the Obama-Biden campaign, not a private gathering. It’s not hypocritical to celebrate a business aligned with your beliefs rejecting a campaign stop while holding the belief that a restaurant shouldn’t kick out a private dinner guest over their political beliefs.

But CNN’s gotta CNN.

The post CNN Compares Restaurant Kicking Out Sarah Sanders Private Family Dinner to Bakery Refusing Joe Biden Campaign Photo-Op appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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