
Comey and Mueller Should Be Incarcerated – Not Emulated

- Juni 16, 2018

Yesterday the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)’s Inspector General (IG) released his nearly-600 page report – analyzing the ridiculously unprofessional and Democrat-partisan behavior of the Barack Obama-James Comey-led Bureau during the run-up to the 2016 presidential election.

Despite the Deep State’s best efforts, we had managed to learn some of what was put together in said report.  But there was revealed therein a whole lot more ridiculous unprofessionalism and Democrat-partisanship.

In short, the Comey FBI was a hack arm of the Democrat National Committee.  It had nothing to do with actual, impartial law enforcement – you know, its actual gig.

Seton Motley | Red State | RedState.com

The FBI’s lead agent – on both the Hillary Clinton illegal private email server and the Donald Trump-Russia investigations – was a clownish man by the name Peter Strozk.

Who was sleeping with married FBI lawyer Lisa Page.  And when Strozk and Page weren’t sleeping together – they were incessantly texting each other about their mutual loathing of Trump.

One new wrinkle revealed yesterday – was a text previously withheld from the Congressional oversight folks.  We had seen Page’s preceding text – just not Strozk’s response:

Page: “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” 

Strozk: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”

Who’s “we?”  The entirety of FBI leadership – up to and including Comey.

And Attorney General Loretta Lynch – and almost certainly her henchmen and women.

Lynch Used Email Alias ‘Elizabeth Carlisle’ to Write about Clinton Tarmac Meeting

Lynch asked for Clinton Investigation to Be Called a ‘Matter’

And lest we forget – President Obama his own self:

FBI Lovers’ Latest Text Messages: Obama ‘Wants to Know Everything’

Many, many members of Comey’s staff – were running amok in a heinously partisan fashion….

Inspector General Blasts Comey and Also Says Others at FBI Showed ‘Willingness to Take Official Action’ to Hurt Trump

Meanwhile, as Comey’s staff ran amuck in a heinously partisan fashion,….

FBI Agreed to Destroy Laptops of Clinton Aides with Immunity Deal

Why, that doesn’t sound like an agency interested in seeking the truth…wherever it leads.  It sounds like a gaggle of anti-Trump partisan hacks.


Comey Drafted Clinton Exoneration Months Before Finishing Investigation

Why, that doesn’t sound like a man interested in seeking the truth…wherever it leads.  It sounds like an anti-Trump partisan hack.

Speaking of anti-Trump….

Baier to Comey: If Dossier Was ‘Salacious,’ Why Did You Use It To Get FISA Warrant?

A warrant – to spy on the Trump campaign.  What is this Dossier of which they speak?

Clinton Campaign, (Democrat National Committee) DNC Paid for Research that Led to Russia Dossier

Ahh.  Clinton campaign dirty tricks – used to secure a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.  In fact….

No FISA Warrant Would Have Been Sought from the Court without the Dossier

Get that?  Comey couldn’t have secured a warrant – without the Dossier.

But how did a political campaign document – secure a court warrant?

Because Comey was a big fan of withholding inordinately pertinent facts….

Five Things the FBI Never Told the FISA Court about the Trump Dossier

Comey was, in fact, a serial fan of withholding inordinately pertinent facts….

Comey Didn’t Tell Trump the Infamous Dossier Was Financed By Hillary Clinton

So let’s summarize.

Comey wrote Clinton’s get-out-of-everything-free pass – months before his just-for-show “investigation” was concluded.

Meanwhile, Comey used the completely-unproven Clinton campaign dirty tricks Dossier – as the only way he could get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.

Which means…there was zero actual evidence of any Trump-Russia collusion.  Just garbage concocted by Trump’s political opponent.

But since Comey is also a Trump political opponent….

Comey Admits to Leaking a Trump Memo to Help Get Special Prosecutor Appointed

Enter Robert Mueller.  You know, Comey’s old boss – Mueller preceded Comey as head of the FBI.

The Deep State – has a very deep bench.

And how’d Mueller handle the FBI gig when he had it?

Robert Mueller’s FBI Repeatedly Abused Prosecutorial Discretion

Outstanding.  And Abusive Mueller – has remained true to form….

Hmmm: Special Counsel Mueller’s Team Sure is Stacked With Democrat Donors, Including a Hillary Supporter

Mueller was handed an investigation – predicated upon zero actual evidence.  More than a year later – he still has zero actual evidence.

He’s brow-beaten Mike Flynn into bankruptcy – and then a plea to a process-perjury-charge so as to end his cash hemorrhaging.  Perjury?

Comey: FBI Agents (Including Peter Strzok) Didn’t Think Flynn Lied

Even Mueller’s fellow Deep Staters said Flynn was innocent.

Oh – and….

Did Mueller Withhold Evidence From Michael Flynn?

Short answer: Yes.

Mueller filed totally-unrelated-to-his-Russia-charge charges against Paul Manafort.  And executed a completely obnoxious and unnecessary early morning raid on Manafort’s house.

Mueller than filed a bunch of indictments against thirteen Russia troll farms.  Except….

Mueller Indicted A Russian Company That Didn’t Even Exist

Oops.  Mueller charged foreign companies – because he thought they’d never respond…and thus he’d never have to actually make a case.  Except…..

Russian Company Charged in Mueller Probe Seeks Grand Jury Materials

Oops – one of Mueller’s victims is demanding their speedy trial.

Keep in mind – a prosecutor isn’t supposed to file an indictment…unless and until he is ready to argue in court the case behind the indictment.

Except Mueller doesn’t have an actual case against this company, so….

Mueller Team Seeks Delay in Russia Indictments Case


Judge Rejects Mueller’s Request for Delay in Russian Troll Farm Case

Oops.  Mueller – having withheld evidence exonerating Flynn – returned yet again to that corrupt well….

Mueller Is Trying to Keep Evidence from Defendants in Russian Trolls Case

And since Mueller is a man so callous about committing mass illegalities in the persecution of his enemies….

Does FBI Raid On Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Mean Attorney-Client Privilege Is ‘Dead’?

Short answer: Attorney-client privilege…has been healthier than it is currently.

Mueller Team Made a Grab for Paul Manafort’s ‘Privileged’ Docs Before Michael Cohen Raid

Someone give attorney-client privilege CPR.  It’s dying….

So let’s summarize:

Comey and Mueller aren’t people who should be investigating crimes – they should be charged with them.

If you are a prosecutor – anywhere on the planet – these are not people you should be emulating.

But when it comes to persecuting – oops, I mean prosecuting – political opponents…Comey and Mueller are, most unfortunately, the fathers of thousands of emulators.

Behold a corrupt prosecutorial mess in Arizona….

Key Prosecution Witness in Corruption Case says She Cut a Deal to Avoid Prison:

“Kelly Norton, a key witness for the government in a bribery trial involving the Arizona Corporation Commission, testified on Wednesday that she agreed to cooperate with the FBI’s investigation of the case in order to stay out of prison.

“Her testimony came on day four of the bribery trial of former Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) Chairman Gary Pierce. In addition to Pierce, there are three other defendants in the case. They are George Johnson, the owner of Johnson Utilities in Pinal County; Sherry Pierce, the wife of Gary Pierce; and Jim Norton, a lobbyist and former husband of Kelly Norton….”

Get that last defendant?  The key witness’…ex-husband.  That could be…a little problematic:

“(D)efense attorneys argued that she had another motive in testifying against her ex-husband: that she invented the story about her ex-husband’s alleged misdeeds as revenge for their divorce just before Christmas 2015….

“(D)efense attorneys argued in their opening statements that Sherry Pierce was, in fact, an actual employee of Kelley Norton’s firm and that the salary she was paid was not a bribe to sway her husband, former Arizona Corporation Commission Chairman Gary Pierce….

“(D)efense attorneys sought to punch other holes in the case brought by prosecutors, arguing that the timeline of the alleged pay-to-play scheme that prosecutors presented did not coincide with any vote Gary Pierce cast….”

All of that sounds…troubling from the prosecutor’s perspective.  But wait…:

“(D)efense attorneys on Tuesday showed the jury several email exchanges that Norton had failed to turn over to prosecutors. The emails not only showed Kelly Norton’s involvement in the business, but also indicated that Sherry Pierce was an active employee of her consulting firm.

“That contention is a key part of the defense’s case, given the prosecution’s claim that Sherry Pierce effectively had a no-show job as part of the pay-to-play scheme prosecutors allege took place.

“In one such email, Kelly Norton appeared to give Sherry Pierce a to-do list, saying, ‘I need your help’ getting lists of donors. Yet another email contained a list of Democratic clubs that Pierce compiled and sent to Kelly Norton.”

Oh look – a prosecutor withholding exculpatory evidence.  How very Comey-Mueller of them.

This Arizona nonsense is but one of the very many problems that arise when rogue, law-breaking law-enforcement-officials – get away with being rogue, law-breaking law-enforcement-officials.

They think they can keep doing it.  And do more of it.

And law enforcement agents everywhere – think they can do it too.

The Deep State – has green-lit this lawlessness for decades.

And – of course – the lawlessness has spread.

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