
Creepy Alec Baldwin Taunts First Lady Melania Trump – Begs Her to Go on SNL to Mock Her Husband

- Juni 25, 2018

Creepy Alec Baldwin sent out a tweet to First Lady Melania Trump on Saturday.

Baldwin invited her on Saturday Night Live so she could play his sidekick while he mocks her husband President Donald Trump.

Baldwin looks like an angry dope when he plays Trump.

He thought this creepy tweet would lure the First Lady to his side.
How revolting.

Dear Melania-

We know what you’re thinking.
What you’re feeling.
You are quaking w anticipation.
Shuddering w a strange, newfound courage.
Come. Come over to the light.
We will welcome you as a hero in ways you never imagined possible.
And then do SNL w me.



Can you imagine if a Hollywood idiot would have done this to Michelle Obama?
It would have been a career-ender.

The post Creepy Alec Baldwin Taunts First Lady Melania Trump – Begs Her to Go on SNL to Mock Her Husband appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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