Bezoek OBS vinkenbuurt aan moskee Zwolle
So this is happening in Europe today.
School children from Overijssel, in the central-eastern area of Holland, were recently taken to a local mosque.
And then they were told to pray to Allah.
Via Vlad Tepes.
The Italian website Il Giornale reported (translated):
The visit to the mosque was part of the project “Other cultures”. Imam Maulana Tahier Wagid Hosain Noorani warmly welcomed the children, responded in an amusing and understandable way to their questions, made them repeat the letters of the Arabic alphabet, and of course praised Islam as a religion of peace and love. So he showed them how Muslims pray and, almost like in a game, the children wanted to imitate him. Children and girls who submit to Islam amid the almost amused gaze of their teachers, exceptionally admitted in a mosque without a veil. The adults who do not participate in the initiation rite of the Islamic faith, remaining “out of the field”, but who have nevertheless sponsored and consented to surrender their children to Islam, seem to depict our decadent and relativist Europe that entrusts resigned and defeated its own future to the strength and charm of the worship of Allah and the veneration of Muhammad. This image could go down in history as one of the emblematic moments of the process of Islamization of Europe. Two years ago these children ingenuously prostrated themselves in the mosque emulating the deeds of the faithful servants of Allah. It is possible that these same children, in ten or twenty years, may return to pray in the mosques as converts to Islam or be forced to do so in the context of an Islam that is demographic, ideological and political.

Bezoek OBS vinkenbuurt aan moskee Zwolle
Of course, a couple of the teachers are also seen praying to Allah.
The post Dutch School Children Taken to Islamic Mosque – Told to Pray to Allah appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.