
From Our UK Adorable Deplorables: Brexit Update and Working to Make Britain Great Again

- Juni 20, 2018

From our friends in the UK: Brexit update and trying to Make Britain Great Again

Guest post by Janice Atkinson

Hello my US cousins, I wish the UK had a leader like your president.

Instead we have a weak, indecisive, accidental prime minister in Theresa May. Weak because she cannot control her government, indecisive because no one knows what she stands for (a quote by Brexit Secretary David Davis, to me some years ago, and is still true today, particularly over Brexit), and accidental because the two front-runners in the prime ministerial race, Michael Gove and Boris Johnson had a public spat, caused by the former’s wife, which saw Mrs May rise from failed home secretary to prime minister. And she’s been a disaster ever since.

If we had Brexit supporting President Trump at the negotiating table with the European Union, the art of the deal would have been struck by now. He would have taken the unelected and undemocratic Eurocrats into a private room – devoid of spin doctors and government flunkies – traded a deal and then announced it to the waiting press corps, just like with Kim in Sing.

President Trump would know that he had the upper hand in the Brexit negotiations. He would lay it out bare: you sell us more goods than we sell to you, our budget deficit is too high and we need to get it down, immigration is at a tipping point – no more migrants, your liberal left governments are collapsing all over Europe in favour of my friends, the populists, we’re closing our borders so you had better build your walls to keep the terrorists out and, by the way, we’ve got 30 odd countries queuing up to do free trade deals with us. Deal done, a free trade deal in goods and services, benefitting both sides.

Yet Mrs May is allowing the Eurocrats to run rings around us with no Brexit Blueprint even though we voted to Leave two years ago and she’s meeting the heads of the EU governments in a couple of weeks. Can you imagine your president going into a lion’s den like that? Did I mention she voted to Remain and stay shackled to the EU?

Then there is our antiquated, outdated and undemocratic House of Lords that is trying to stop Brexit. The House of Lords in its hey day was a debating and thoughtful amending chamber with representatives who were enobled because they had expertise in many areas. Now it is stuffed full of party apparatchiks, failed former MPs, party donors and friends of Tony Blair, David Cameron and someone called Nick Clegg, who was deputy prime minister under Cameron, all of whom are trying to thwart the people’s referendum to leave the European Union.

They believe that the ordinary people did not know what we were voting for. That we were all too stupid, too ignorant, too uneducated and hate the EU because Nigel Farage and right wing pundits told them it was the right thing to do.

Mrs May, who does not have a working majority because she stupidly called a general election last year and lost the so-called Conservative’s majority, has to rely on those very nice people from the Northern Irish Democratic Union Party. All decent, real conservatives. The trouble is, there are a number of Remainer MPs in her own ranks who are also committing political suicide by defying her government (and their boss), by voting against the government’s Brexit Withdrawal Bill. They know she is weak but the fear on the government’s side of a real Marxist in Jeremy Corbyn, leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition, occupying No.10 Downing Street is a very real possibility.

The Remainer Rebels and the quislings in the Lords are seeking a ‘Meaningful Vote’, ie not trusting the filthy voters of the largest plebiscite the UK has ever had and opinion polls that show over 70% of the people want the government just to get on with Brexit.

They are busy digging their own graves. One long-standing socialist member whom I like very much, Frank Field MP, has tabled a Parliamentary Bill to abolish them. This is not something I could ever have envisaged supporting but now I do. It’s time to move to our second chamber becoming elected.

As for the trade negotiations? You have Secretary of State Wilbur Ross, who I met in a visit to DC in December. I sit on the EU-US trade delegation committee and I travelled to DC, with a number of senior MEPs from across the EU, to meet counterparts in the Republican and Democrat parties (the latter’s narrative: The Russians! it’s the Russians that made Brexit happen. Jim Costa was told in no uncertain terms what I thought of his conspiracy theories. Yawn.). At a lunch Wilbur Ross addressed us. I asked him to confirm the UK/US special relationship to those in the room and to update us on a free trade agreement between our two countries.

He had a very stark message for the MEPs in the room. “Janice, absolutely our two countries have a long and special relationship. Of course we’ll give the UK a free trade deal, but first of all you musn’t take the bitter pill [bad trade deal] that the EU will offer you and, secondly the EU does not understand free trade, it’s a protectionist racket”. My hero. Shocked MEPs all choking on their soup, except me.

The art of the deal is also hampered because the EU’s trade Commissioner is Cecilia Malmstrom, a former liberal sociology lecturer and the so-called High Representative (foreign affairs Commissioner) is a recycled communist, one Federica Mogherini, who is an embarrassment on the world stage, both of whom are incapable of understanding business. Both women are over promoted gender quotas.

Though I do take heart, friends, the EU is collapsing in on itself. With my friends in power in Austria and Italy, with Poland, Slovenia and Hungary revolting, and with the real possibility that Frau Merkel will be gone by the weekend and other nation state elections looming with more populists on the way, at least the voters in the EU are doing what we in the UK and you in the US did, our Deplorable EU voters are revolting.

Let’s Make Europe Great Again.

The post From Our UK Adorable Deplorables: Brexit Update and Working to Make Britain Great Again appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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