Who could of possibly seen this coming?
President Trump signed an EO today that essentially allows families to be detained together in order to stop the issue of separating children from parents. This, we were assured, was the primary concern of the most virtuous among us who have driven a news cycle of hysteria the last month.
Furthermore, this was a situation so dire they said, so terrible, that the President needed to simply ignore the law and stop separations on his own
So what happens when he actually does what they want?
NYT reports that, rather than separating children from parents, the Trump administration will hold children indefinitely with their parents, violating a court settlement and inevitably triggering a legal challenge https://t.co/MLSvk7iXQV
— Nick Riccardi (@NickRiccardi) June 20, 2018
Wait, I thought there was no legal reason for Trump to be separating families at the border and it was wholly his fault? Odd.
But the media told me there was no law separating families. https://t.co/QJ3c1Ic8WL
— 'Sources Say' is Greek for 'Fake News' (@NolteNC) June 20, 2018
You can expect the media, the same media who told us family separations were THE issue, to now champion legal challenges to the President’s EO that keeps families together…because of course they will.
Trump said to be "backing down" this afternoon, but his climbdown is from child-parent separation to indefinite detention of entire immigrant families. And it is not clear how the thousands of migrants (some already deported) who had their children taken will get them back. https://t.co/vLlPJHCU7E
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) June 20, 2018
So basically, it will solve this problem in a way it knows may be struck down, rather than just relaxing the zero-tolerance policy https://t.co/92lzR3MFLk
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) June 20, 2018
There’s the mask slipping. This was always about catch and release being forced to return, not concern for kids spending 20 days in well equipped HHS shelters before going to live with family members in the interior.
Durbin spitting
over Trump's executive order:
"His new Executive Order criminalizes asylum-seekers and seeks to indefinitely detain their children. Locking up whole families is no solution at all."
Asks Rs to "call for an end to this monstrous Trump Administration policy."— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) June 20, 2018
This Executive Order doesn’t fix the crisis. Indefinitely detaining children with their families in camps is inhumane and will not make us safe.
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) June 20, 2018
Just to be clear, separating children from parents is inhumane, and keeping children with parents is inhumane. Which means the only humane solution is release. Which is the entire agenda. https://t.co/ADm4WojU3Z
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) June 20, 2018
Surprised? Of course you aren’t. If you had under 12 on the total number of hours it’d take for the Democrats and media figures to decide that ending family separations isn’t a good thing, collect your winnings at the window.
This should be a lesson to some conservatives who let themselves become pawns in this battle. I think most of their concerns were sincere but you can challenge a policy logically and with real solutions without playing into the hyperbole of the Democrat/media alliance.
Anyone that thought this was all good faith outrage from the left was kidding themselves. I’ll leave you with this nugget of truth from RedState writer Brandon Morse…
See, folks. Democrats didn't care under Obama, and they don't care now. This isn't about the kids.
With Democrats, it's never really ever about the kids. https://t.co/JbBJXDGBcF
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) June 20, 2018
The post In Shocking, Unforeseeable Twist…Democrats and Media Move the Goalposts on Border Separations in Record Time appeared first on RedState.