
MELTDOWN: Bill Clinton Loses It when Asked about Apologizing to Monica Lewinsky #MeToo (VIDEO)

- Juni 04, 2018

Well, this was a bit awkward.

Former President Bill Clinton was asked about Monica Lewinsky in a weekend interview with NBC reporter Craig Melvin.

Clinton was asked if he ever apologized to Monica Lewinsky for their tryst in the Oval Office.
Bubba lost it.
The former president lashed out at Melvin, “You are giving one side and omitting facts.”

Apparently Bill is not ready to apologize.

The Washington Free Beacon posted the transcript:

“Did you ever apologize to her?” Melvin asked.

“Yes,” Clinton said. “And nobody believes that I got out of that for free. I left the White House $16 million in debt. But you typically have ignored gaping facts in describing this and I bet you don’t even know them.”

Melvin defended his questions and said he was not trying to present a side. He went on to follow up on Clinton’s apology to Lewinsky.

“I have. I apologized to everyone in the world,” Clinton said, referencing his public apology when he was president.

“But you didn’t apologize to her?” Melvin asked.

“I have not talked to her,” Clinton said.

“Do you feel like you owe her an apology?” Melvin asked.

“I do not—I have never talked to her. But I did say publicly on more than one occasion that I was sorry. That’s very different. The apology was public,” Clinton said.

The post MELTDOWN: Bill Clinton Loses It when Asked about Apologizing to Monica Lewinsky #MeToo (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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