
MORE DEEP STATE SPYING=> Roger Stone and Michael Caputo Were Targets of FBI Informant

- Juni 17, 2018

The Deep State Spying Scandal on the Trump Campaign will go down as the largest political scandal in US history.

As Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit reported in May —
At Least 6 and Potentially 7 Known and Suspected Intelligence Informants Accused of Spying on Trump Campaign

And now there are more.
Trump associates Roger Stone and Michael Caputo were approached by another FBI informant during their campaign in the Deep State’s quest to tie Donald Trump to Putin’s Russia.

And — once again — neither of them took the bait.
The Washington Examiner reported:

Longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone and Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo claim to have been targeted in a setup by U.S. law enforcement during the 2016 campaign to pin then-candidate Donald Trump.

In a Washington Post report Sunday, Stone claims that he met with a man in May 2016 who offered dirt on Trump’s 2016 rival, Hillary Clinton. However, the man, who identified himself as Henry Greenberg, said he wanted Trump to pay $2 million for the damaging information and therefore was shut down, according to Stone.

Stone recalled telling the man that he didn’t understand Trump, a wealthy New York real estate businessman. “He doesn’t pay for anything,” Stone claims to have said to the man at a restaurant in Florida.

Afterwards, the report shows a screenshot of a text exchange between Stone and Caputo, who set up the meeting after Greenberg reached out to a Russian immigrant business partner of Caputo’s.

“How crazy is the Russian?” Caputo asked.

Stone replied the meeting was a “waste of time” because the man wanted “big” money for information.

The post MORE DEEP STATE SPYING=> Roger Stone and Michael Caputo Were Targets of FBI Informant appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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