
Rep. Devin Nunes: The Drudge Report Is Being Censored Today on Twitter (VIDEO)

- Juni 03, 2018

Rep. Devin Nunes joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futrures today.

Nunes was asked about internet censorship of US conservatives and conservative websites.

Devin Nunes dropped this bomb.

Rep. Devin Nunes: What the American people need to understand, there is bias against conservatives all across this country. And now as you see things it’s always been there with newspapers and television. But now you see it getting into the internet… I just looked on Twitter. Drudge, The Drudge Report is being censored today.

Via Sunday Morning Futures:

The post Rep. Devin Nunes: The Drudge Report Is Being Censored Today on Twitter (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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