
Senator Feinstein Admits to Ignoring ‘Mistreatment’ of Illegal Immigrants Under Obama (VIDEO)

- Juni 11, 2018

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) claimed that she “didn’t really know enough” about the “mistreatment” of illegal immigrants to pay attention to it during the eight years that Barack Obama was in office.

Appearing on CNN on Friday, Feinstein was questioned by Jake Tapper about the recent viral photo shared by many Democrats of children in a holding cell. The photo was being used to condemn President Trump — but it was taken during the Obama era.

“There were a lot of things done to undocumented immigrants that the immigrant community was very upset about during the Obama years, that Democrats didn’t seem as outspoken about,” Tapper stated. “What do you say to people who are saying, ‘where was all this activism during the Obama years?'”

Senator Feinstein then admitted that she had previously ignored the issue, and claimed that it is worse now.

“I don’t believe that it was nearly to the extent that it is today. And candidly, I didn’t really know enough about it at that time to focus on it,” Feinstein said.

The post Senator Feinstein Admits to Ignoring ‘Mistreatment’ of Illegal Immigrants Under Obama (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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