
Trump Puts ICE Protesters and “Extremist Democrats” on Notice “The Only Response They Will Find From Our Govt is LAW AND ORDER!”

- Juni 28, 2018

President Trump put ICE protesters and “extremist Democrats” on notice late Wednesday evening in a pair of tweets.

The left is completely unhinged; they want open borders, no law and order and to abolish ICE. 

Protesters across the nation have put ICE buildings under siege, blocking and harassing officers coming and going to work.

Antifa anarchists posted pictures, names and locations of ICE officers online to encourage violent protesters to hunt down officials.

A senior DHS official residing in Washington D.C., recently found a decapitated, burnt animal carcass on his doorstep.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) told a mob of cheering Dems to harass and harm members of Trump’s cabinet.

Far left Democrats such as the new Communist darling of the left, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are calling for ICE to be abolished.

President Trump says this will be met with LAW AND ORDER!

Trump tweeted: In recent days we have heard shameless attacks on our courageous law enforcement officers. Extremist Democrat politicians have called for the complete elimination of ICE. Leftwing Activists are trying to block ICE officers from doing their jobs and publicly posting their…

Round two: …home addresses – putting these selfless public servants in harm’s way. These radical protesters want ANARCHY – but the only response they will find from our government is LAW AND ORDER!

The post Trump Puts ICE Protesters and “Extremist Democrats” on Notice “The Only Response They Will Find From Our Govt is LAW AND ORDER!” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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