
Trump’s 2020 Campaign Manager Brad Parscale Calls for End of Mueller Investigation, AG Sessions to be Fired

- Juni 20, 2018

Following the release of the bombshell DOJ Office of Inspector General Report last week and the congressional testimony by Inspector General Horowitz, President Trump’s 2020 Campaign Manager Brad Parscale called for the firing of AG Jeff Sessions and the ending of the Mueller investigation.

Brad Parscale tweeted Tuesday morning: “Time to fire Sessions, End the Mueller investigation, You can’t obstruct something that was phony against you, The IG report gives President Trump the truth to end it all.”

The OIG Report uncovered thousands of texts between anti-Trump FBI Special Agents and Lawyers who were bent on stopping Donald Trump from becoming President of the United States. Many of the same FBI agents involved in the mishandeling of the Clinton E-Mail Investigation were also responsible for the creation of the FBI’s original Russia Investigation and the following Special Counsel Investigation.

President Trump pointed to the political bias inside the Mueller Investigation several times over the past week, both directly and through surrogates.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions defended Rosenstein and the Mueller witch hunt Monday night on Fox News’ Ingraham Angle.

During their discussion Laura asked the AWOL Attorney General why he recused himself from the Trump-Russia collusion witch hunt for talking to the ambassador at cocktail parties but allows Rosenstein to oversee the witch hunt after he signed the fraudulent FISA memo to spy on Trump?

Here’s his answer:

Laura Ingraham: Attorney General Sessions, just one more question. Are you involved at all in discussions about a possible recusal of Rod Rosenstein of overseeing Mueller given the fact that he did sign one of those FISA warrants and that’s a big controversy in this case?

Jeff Sessions: I am not involved in that. He is the acting Attorney General for that matter and he has to make his own decision as I had to make my decision.


The post Trump’s 2020 Campaign Manager Brad Parscale Calls for End of Mueller Investigation, AG Sessions to be Fired appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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