
Angry Leftist Bartender Curses at Stephen Miller After Chasing Him Into the Street

- Juli 09, 2018

Senior policy advisor to President Trump, Stephen Miller, recently threw away his $80 order of takeout Sushi after he was cursed at by an angry leftist bartender in the restaurant.

Trump officials are routinely on the receiving end of harassment thanks to the fake news media painting Trump, his officials and supporters as “Nazis” and “racists.”

The unhinged bartender chased the Trump advisor out of the restaurant, flipped him off and cursed at him, according to the Washington Post.

Via Wapo:

One night, after Miller ordered $80 of takeout sushi from a restaurant near his apartment, a bartender followed him into the street and shouted, “Stephen!” When Miller turned around, the bartender raised both middle fingers and cursed at him, according to an account Miller has shared with White House colleagues.

Outraged, Miller threw the sushi away, he later told his colleagues.

Stephen Miller was also recently targeted by an angry leftist mob near his apartment. Leftists put ‘wanted’ posters near his DC apartment over his zero tolerance immigration policy.

Former Trump Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, was abused and harassed by an unhinged leftist at a bookstore on Saturday.

The woman started screaming at and harassing Steve Bannon until police were called.

Leftists mobs have also harassed DHS Sec Kirstjen Nielsen, Mitch McConnell and Press Sec. Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

This is the Democrat party today; unhinged, intolerant, violent, hateful and divisive.

The post Angry Leftist Bartender Curses at Stephen Miller After Chasing Him Into the Street appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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