
Carter Page Says Clinton Campaign Was Spreading Rumors of Russian Collusion Months Before Dossier Surfaced (VIDEO)

- Juli 24, 2018

Carter Page went on with Tucker Carlson on Monday to discuss the release of the FISA court documents used to spy on the Trump campaign.

Carter Page was spied on by the Obama regime despite never even meeting the Russian officials he was accused of dealing with in the junk Steele dossier.

Carter Page: It’s funny in July of 2016, two months before the Yahoo news article came out I started getting these calls from various news reporters, the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, all asking me about these same two names of people I’ve never even heard of, I’ve heard of Sachin, I never even heard of (Igor) Diveykin. So it was obvious. Some people told me from the media they heard it from the Clinton campaign, etc.

Carter Page denied this weekend that he ever discussed lifting Western sanctions with Igor Sachin, a high ranking Russian official. Page never even met the guy. But he was spied on anyway by the criminal Obama regime.

Via Tucker Carlson Tonight:

The post Carter Page Says Clinton Campaign Was Spreading Rumors of Russian Collusion Months Before Dossier Surfaced (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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