
Chelsea Handler Roasted After Posting Hate-Filled Independence Day Tweet

- Juli 05, 2018

Chelsea Handler tweeted a hate-filled message on Independence Day, once again showing she is out of touch with middle America.

Typical Hollywood elitist.

Hollywood elitists live in mansions in gated communities and hire illegal aliens as ‘cheap help’ to keep up their lavish lifestyles.

But they believe they speak for the average, hardworking American.

Chelsea Handler tweeted: To every country on the 4th of July. We’re sorry about our president. He doesn’t reflect all of our views—and we hope you know that the majority of us are ashamed. We will rally each other and come back to the world one step at a time. #novemberiscoming #alsosorryabouthotdogs

In reality, President Trump’s approval rating on his second Independence Day is at 48% with likely voters.

And that is with 90% negative coverage from the far left mainstream media.

And after a month of anti-ICE protests by Democrats President Trump jumped 10 points with Hispanics in the recent Harris-Harvard poll.

On Barack Obama’s second Independence Day — despite a fawning media — his approval rating was only at 45%.

Trump supporters roasted the Hollywood wack job.

The post Chelsea Handler Roasted After Posting Hate-Filled Independence Day Tweet appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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