
Come Join Us: 100 Year Celebration of World War I Herring, Iowa Flagpole – 1 PM on Sunday

- Juli 21, 2018

girls pledge of allegiance

Photo by Tim Gallagher, Sioux City Journal of Herring Hill dedication in 2013

As many longtime Gateway Pundit readers may recall in 2012 I bought some land surrounding the Herring flagpole in northwest Iowa. The flagpole was put up in the little town of Herring on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918, to celebrate the end to the greatest war the world had ever witnessed – up to that point in time.

My late grandfather was 12 at the time and helped put up this Armistice Day flagpole.

Herring, Iowa was one of these little railroad towns that included a train depot, a livestock loading facility, a general store, creamery, blacksmith shop, lumber yard, barber shop, pool hall, bars and a dance hall.

Today all that remains of this little Iowa town is the Armistice Day flagpole in a corn field.

This weekend, the descendants and friends of Herring will gather on the hill and, with the help of Rep. Steve King, who grew up in the area, we  will re-dedicate the Armistice flagpole on its 100 year anniversary.

A new U.S. flag now in place on a pole south of the original 40-foot pole at Herring, Iowa, a Sac County community that all but vanished six decades ago.


pledge at herring
Singing the Star Spangled Banner at the Herring flagpole in 2013

We can’t thank Rep. Steve King (R-IA) enough for joining us again this year on the Herring Hill.

The ceremony will start at 1:00 PM central time on Sunday.  Hope some of you can make it out.


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