Less than four months before the 2018 midterm elections, House Democrats have come up with a surefire strategy to win over all those working-class voters who were uninspired by Hillary Clinton: a new slogan!
This is a new and exciting change from their last big idea a year ago, which was…[checks notes]…oh yes, also a new slogan.
The 2017 attempt at this sloganeering magic promoted the idea that Democrats were offering voters a “Better Deal,” touting a series of economic reforms that were announced during a press conference with Democratic congressional leadership.
This time around, Democrats seem to have learned from the mocking they received from their last slogan, and eschewed the press conference in favor of a private meeting with their members — after which they apparently headed straight to chat with a Politico reporter.
The outcome of that meeting, as Politico notes, was to discuss their shiny new slogan: “For the People.”
According to Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-IL), who co-chairs the House Democrats’ messaging arm, this slogan is supposed to help Democrats maintain message discipline while they present a contrast with President Donald Trump and offer voters an alternative agenda.
The new slogan doesn’t seem to be generating waves of optimism among Democrats yet, as Politico reports:
Democrats openly blame themselves for failing to reach the working-class voters who helped put Trump in the White House and have promised to do better than just “run against Trump” in this year’s election.
But privately Democrats say it’s unlikely either party’s message will sway the outcome of the election.
Democrats are in their best position in nearly a decade to regain control of the House largely because of an energized anti-Trump base seeking a check on the president. Midterms also historically favor the party not in control of the White House.
They have to do more than “just run against Trump,” but their strategy still depends on energizing their base against Trump? So it’s still really just about Trump, then, hmm?
Meanwhile, Floridians had some added entertainment from the Democrats’ new slogan, due to its familiarity from years of being featured on billboards, radio, television, and online ads that have blanketed the state for decades — not for a current political candidate, but for attorney John Morgan, and his Morgan & Morgan law firm.
Morgan’s firm spends big money on ads touting their personal injury, medical malpractice, and other types of legal representation, and the slogan, spoken with Morgan’s Kentuckian drawl, have been a ubiquitous presence in the Sunshine State and even lent credence to the possibility of a political career for Morgan himself.
Let's jog their memory! #ForThePeople @JohnMorganESQ pic.twitter.com/gyjnk1AmSz
— Morgan & Morgan (@forthepeople) July 18, 2018
Morgan’s firm had previously taken in former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, after he lost the 2010 Republican Senate primary — and the general election as well — to Marco Rubio, and rebranded him as a mascot of sorts for the firm, with his perpetually-tanned face now looking into the camera and delivering the “For The People” line.
Crist would go on to officially become a Democrat and unsuccessfully attempt to retake the Governor’s mansion from Gov. Rick Scott (R) in 2014, eventually finally regaining elected office as a backbencher freshman Congressman from his hometown district.
Morgan, in the meantime, has been one of Florida’s most vocal advocates for medical marijuana, often bringing his powerhouse advertising apparatus to promote legalization initiatives.
Morgan had a field day on Twitter after the news broke about the Democrats’ not-quite-new slogan, noting that he had (obviously) originally gotten the idea from the Declaration of Independence, and thanking the Democrats for giving him free advertising.
The Declaration of Independence. Stole it from George Washington. #ForThePeople https://t.co/3AdN6WhNlg
— John Morgan (@JohnMorganESQ) July 18, 2018
.@JohnMorganESQ: “I thank them for the free advertising. Al Gore used it too. It has been my slogan for over 30 years. Straight from the mouths of our founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.” #sayfie https://t.co/Q2YuX6baXo
— Zach C. Cohen (@Zachary_Cohen) July 18, 2018
If nominated, I shall not run. If elected, I shall not serve.#ForThePeople https://t.co/0MlsIBpy8h
— John Morgan (@JohnMorganESQ) July 18, 2018
Also I agreed to allow @NancyPelosi, or Aunt Nancy as my children call her, to pay me only a nickel every time #ForThePeople is used by the DCCC. @SenSchumer will be paying a quarter for the DSCC.
— John Morgan (@JohnMorganESQ) July 18, 2018
Morgan did take care to note that even though he has been a major fundraiser for Democrats in the past, he currently considered himself politically to be an independent. So, while he did enjoy the free publicity today (“Just spell my name right“), the Democrats shouldn’t be expecting his help on the campaign trail.
To all my Democrat friends I am a capitalist not a socialist, as so many now call themselves.
You can be a socialistic country if you have no big military and no atomic bombs. You have to pay for things. Sweden exists because we have big bombs.#IAmIndependent #ForThePeople
— John Morgan (@JohnMorganESQ) July 18, 2018
Follow Sarah Rumpf on Twitter: @rumpfshaker.
[Cross-posted at The Capitolist.]
The post Desperate for a Midterm Election Strategy, House Democrats Adopt Slogan That’s Anything But New appeared first on RedState.