Eric Holder stopped by the Late Show With Stephen Colbert last night, and they talked about politics instead of anything funny or entertaining. When Colbert mentioned a tweet from CNN’s April Ryan saying that Holder is seriously considering running for president in 2020, Colbert asked if that was true. He told an enthusiastic audience that he will decide “sometime early next year,” but that his focus is elsewhere right now.
“My focus now is on 2018, the midterms and trying to make sure that Democrats take back the Senate, take back the House and that we do well importantly at the state level.”
Honestly, that sounds like he’s campaigning already, doesn’t it?
In a world in which candidates were treated equally, Holder would have a difficult time. His handling of the Fast and Furious and IRS scandals alone would give Americans pause.
No matter the candidates, 2020 is going to be a wild year.
The post Eric Holder: I Haven’t Decided If I’ll Run in 2020 appeared first on RedState.