
FACEBOOK Suspends Alex Jones for Videos Critical of Liberalism and Radical Islam

- Juli 28, 2018

Facebook scheduled the event to promote the new Facebook Watch video feature earlier this week.

But the situation turned ugly when the invited “news reporters” screamed about Facebook allowing FOX News and Infowars on their platform.

Ricky Van Veen, Head of Global Creative Strategy and Fidji Simo, Director of Product at Facebook, had combative exchanges with reporters at an event to promote Facebook Watch in Beverly Hills on Wednesday. (Daily Mail)

This is not the first time liberal reporters have complained to Facebook about Infowars having access to their social media platform. CNN has called on Facebook to ban Infowars earlier this month. And left-wing activist Brennan Gilmore called on Facebook to eliminate Infowars in a Washington Post screed in March.

But the fact that “news” reporters called on Facebook to ban FOX News from their platform is a new leap for the American left. If Democrats and their mainstream media want FOX News eliminated from Facebook — the largest and most successful news organization in America today — then it is safe to say the American left wants ALL conservative publishers banned from the social media platform.

And as we have reported numerous times Facebook is already working overtime to eliminate conservative content from their platform.

On Friday Facebook finally appeased the liberal mob by suspending several Facebook pages tied to Alex Jones and Infowars.

This comes after months of pressure from liberal news reporters pushing Facebook to crackdown on conservative news.

Facebook suspended the conservative channel for posting videos that were critical of liberalism and radical Islam.
CNBC reported:

Several Facebook pages tied to Alex Jones, including the official pages for Infowars and Alex Jones himself, are close to being removed from the platform for violating its community standards multiple times, a Facebook spokesperson told CNBC.

Pages operated by Infowars still remain active because they had not hit the undisclosed threshold violations. The Facebook spokesperson told CNBC the Infowars pages are getting close to that threshold, but would not say specifically how many more infractions would be necessary to pull them.

Jones’ personal account was temporarily banned from Facebook Thursday for 30 days after it was found responsible for uploading four videos that went against community standards. The clips were posted on different pages operated by Infowars and Alex Jones. Jones had previously been warned he could be blocked by Facebook for other infractions, according to a Facebook spokesperson.

One of the removed videos shows a man shoving a child on the ground to “prevent liberalism,” while another discusses drag queens in a crude fashion and suggests they are child sexual predators. Another suggests Muslim people have “conquered” Europe, and will kill everyone and sexually assault women.

These same four videos were also removed earlier in the week by YouTube, which also barred Jones from live streaming for 90 days.

Jones defended the videos on Twitter, saying they were “critical of liberalism.” Infowars was not immediately available for comment.

The post FACEBOOK Suspends Alex Jones for Videos Critical of Liberalism and Radical Islam appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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