
It’s Punishment Time: UNHINGED Clinton Aide and FOX News Contributor Shares Contact Info of Bookstore That Tossed Bannon Abuser

- Juli 09, 2018

Former Hillary Clinton presidential campaign adviser and Clinton State Department official Philippe Reines has a history of disgusting and vular attacks on Republican officials.

Reines attacked White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders with profane, sexist language following the horrific personal attacks on Sanders at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner this year.

Reines also attacked First Lady Melania Trump and the Trump family as being a “diseased clan” and having “rotten souls”.

Despite his continued vile attacks on Trump supporters and Republicans Reines remains a regular on FOX News.

This weekend Philippe Reines released the contact information of the bookstore whose owner called police on unhinged loon who attacked Steve Bannon this weekend.

FOX News reported:

Former longtime Hillary Clinton aide Philippe Reines on Saturday posted the contact information of a Virginia bookstore whose owner called the police on a customer who harassed former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon.

The owner of Black Swan Books in Richmond, Nick Cooke, alerted 911 after a woman confronted Bannon and reportedly called him a “piece of trash.”

The store owner said the woman began accosting the former White House strategist out of nowhere and stopped only after he called the police. No officers arrived to the scene as the call was shortly cancelled.

“Steve Bannon was simply standing, looking at books, minding his own business. I asked her to leave, and she wouldn’t. And I said, ‘I’m going to call the police if you don’t,’ and I went to call the police and she left. And that’s the end of the story,” Cooke told the Richmond Dispatch.

Some criticized Cooke for not letting people confront Bannon, with former Clinton aide posting contact information of the bookstore, potentially encouraging and exposing the business to harassment.

Social media users slammed Reines for sharing the information, calling it “irresponsible” and “one step too far”.

The post It’s Punishment Time: UNHINGED Clinton Aide and FOX News Contributor Shares Contact Info of Bookstore That Tossed Bannon Abuser appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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