
Outraged Far Left Activists BLOCK STREET-ARRESTED Outside Trump Tower in NYC — Protesting Trump’s SCOTUS Pick (VIDEO)

- Juli 10, 2018

President Trump announced Judge Brett Kavanaugh as his second pick for the Supreme Court of the United States.

Judge Cavanaugh will replace Justice Kennedy on the Supreme Court.

Within minutes of the President’s announcement, leftists melted down.

Protests erupted in front of the Supreme Court and Trump Tower New York Monday evening.

The rent-a-mobs are out in full force with their signs chanting “Hey hey! Hey ho ho! Trump’s nominee has got to go!”


Protesters sat down in the middle of the street in front of Trump Tower outraged over his SCOTUS nominee.

More video of protesters blocking the street and chanting in front of Trump Tower New York:

The post Outraged Far Left Activists BLOCK STREET-ARRESTED Outside Trump Tower in NYC — Protesting Trump’s SCOTUS Pick (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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