
REPORT: Obama’s Corrupt AG Eric Holder Mulls 2020 Presidential Bid

- Juli 20, 2018

The Democrats are scrambling to choose a viable candidate to run against President Trump in 2020.

Rumors of Senator Kamala Harris throwing her hat into the 2020 ring have been swirling for over a year as she has been spotted at many high profile Dem fundraisers.

Other names such as Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and even Hillary Clinton have been thrown out there as options.

Eric Holder told reporters in June he was actively considering running and now he’s seriously considering going up against President Trump.

Sources close to Holder say he’s seriously considering throwing his hat into the ring for a 2020 presidential bid, says CNN’s April Ryan.

CNN’s Political reporter, Dan Merica said, “Holder personally told reporters in NH in June that he was actively considering running. On his though process: “First and foremost, can I win. I wouldn’t be involved or something simply to make a statement. I would only decide to get involved if I thought I could win.””

April Ryan then asked Holder when he will make his decision official on a run against Trump for 2020.

Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder was so corrupt, he was the only AG in history to be held in criminal contempt of Congress.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reportedon December 14, 2010 Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was gunned down in Peck Canyon along the Mexican border by Mexican drug cartel.

The gun used to kill Terry was supplied by Eric Holder’s Operation Fast and Furious while Terry was forced to defend himself with bean bags.

Holder’s Fast and Furious is responsible for over 200 murders including the death of a Mexican police chief Luis Lucio Rosales Astorga.

After the public and family member of Agent Brian Terry demanded answers from the Obama administration, in 2011 the courts decided to seal the records detailing his death. Agent Terry’s family then filed a $25 million lawsuit against the ATF for wrongdoing.

On June 29th, 2012, the GOP-led House voted to hold then-Attorney General Eric Holder in criminal contempt of Congress for failing to provide answers on Operation Fast and Furious.

Eric Holder shouldn’t be running for president; he belongs in prison.

The post REPORT: Obama’s Corrupt AG Eric Holder Mulls 2020 Presidential Bid appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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