
REPORT: Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh Called Hillary Clinton a B*tch

- Juli 10, 2018

Opposition research being sent around about President Trump’s second nominee to the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, accuses him of calling Hillary Clinton a bitch 21 years ago–in a private setting among friends where he was allegedly seen to mouth the b-word but not actually say it. The fate of Kavanaugh’s nomination to the high court apparently depends on whether this is seen as a resume enhancer or a nomination killer.

The Washington Post’s Robert Costa tweeted several days ago about a snippet from a book by former conservative journalist turned Democratic Party activist David Brock about a gathering he attended at the home of Laura Ingraham to watch the 1997 State of the Union address by President Bill Clinton. Brock wrote he saw Kavanaugh, who at the time worked for Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr investigating the Clintons, sitting across from him at Ingraham’s place mouthing the word, “bitch” as First Lady Hillary Clinton appeared on the TV screen. Brock wrote he was so upset he had to leave the room to light up a cigarette.

Costa wrote the excerpt is from page 306 of Brock’s book, Blinded by the Right.

A message from Hillary Clinton about “bitches”, from a bar far, far away from the White House.

The post REPORT: Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh Called Hillary Clinton a B*tch appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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