
Show Us The Evidence Mr. Mueller

- Juli 24, 2018

Promoted from the diaries by streiff. Promotion does not imply endorsement.

Prior to the Mueller Investigation, I mistakenly believed that, in the US legal system, all citizens were presumed innocent until they were proven guilty. “Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat (The burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies.)” Further, one’s guilt had to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. “If reasonable doubt remains, the accused must be acquitted.” For most Americans, this right cannot be violated. However, if you happen to be Donald Trump, or anyone associated with him, this right was stolen a long time ago.

Trump does not have to prove his innocence. Rather, the prosecutors, Robert Mueller and his team of highly partisan Democrats, must prove Trump’s guilt. So far, it appears they have come up with nothing, which is why they have shifted their focus to obstruction of justice charges. Imagine going to jail on obstruction of justice charges for a crime you didn’t commit.

I suppose it’s remotely possible they’ve found some evidence, but as Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said, if they had, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) would have leaked it by now.

Sean Hannity outlined how the FBI deceived the FISA court for political gain in Monday’s opening monologue.

Tonight we know for sure that the justification for this warrant was the uncorroborated, phony dossier put together by a foreign national with funneled money through a law firm to an op research firm paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC and by the way, this was all full of Russian lies…

He lists the officials who signed off on the applications (Rod Rosenstein, James Comey, Sally Yates, Andrew McCabe and Dana Boente) and said “they all lied.”

They all signed off on a document that is so duplicitous that even Christopher Steele himself referred to the dossier as “raw intelligence.” When he was asked during court proceedings in Great Britain, he conceded that the dossier was not confirmed or verified…He said the chances of even some of it being true were fifty-fifty. And Steele was ultimately fired as an FBI source for lying and leaking and still, in the FISA warrant [applications], after his firing, they claimed two more times, that Steele was credible.

Steele’s appearance and court testimony are all documented.

Meanwhile James Comey admitted he knew the dossier was unverified and salacious, and let’s not forget the fired FBI Director actually denied in his interview with Brett Baier in April that the dossier was the basis for the warrant. (3:35 in the video)

Comey:  That’s not my recollection Brett. And I don’t know that the FISA application has been released. My recollection was it was part of a broader mosaic of facts that were laid before the FISA judge to obtain the FISA warrant.

Baier:  There was a lot more in the application?

Comey: (shrugs) My recollection is that there was a significant amount of additional material about [Page], there was reason to believe he was an agent of a foreign power and the dossier was part of that, but not all of it or a critical part of it. (He shakes his head, as if he just can’t quite remember.)

The only problem, Mr. Comey, is that most of your information about Page came from the dossier. This is similar to the “circular reporting”  technique the FBI used to claim that Michael Isikoff’s Yahoo article corroborated Steele’s version of events when, in fact, Steele was the source of Isikoff’s article. The FBI may not have known this when they filed their first or second application for the warrant, but they certainly were aware of it for the others.

Hannity says, “What Comey said was a lie, a lie parroted by Democrats, and the biggest liar in the country was Adam Schiff.” (Please go to 4:40 in video.)

Adam Schiff runs through all the Democrat’s talking points, and he is only one of many liberal voices that Americans are inundated with on a daily basis. It’s understandable how people who get their news through the mainstream media would view Trump as a villain. When lies are repeated enough times, people believe them.

One more interesting clip comes (at 5:30 in the video). Hypocrite Rod Rosenstein, acting like a boy scout, explains the importance and the sanctity of a FISA warrant:

The way we operate at the DOJ, if we’re going to accuse someone of wrongdoing, we have to have admissible evidence, credible witnesses, we need to be able to prove our case in court, and we have to affix our signature to the charging document. That’s something that not everybody appreciates. There’s a lot of talk about FISA applications, and many people that I see talking about it seem not to recognize what it is. A FISA application is actually a warrant, like a search warrant. In order to get a FISA warrant, you need an affidavit signed by a career federal law enforcement officer who swears that, the information is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. And that’s the way we operate and if it’s wrong, and sometimes it is, if you find anything incorrect in there, that person is going to face consequences.

Rosenstein signed off on one of the extension warrants. He knew the information he swore to wasn’t “true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief.” And this is the reason the DOJ has obstructed countless Congressional requests for copies of the recently released FISA warrant applications.

Here is what we know so far about this case:

  1. We know that the FBI unjustly exonerated Hillary Clinton following a sham investigation into her use of a private server while serving as Secretary of State.
  2. We know that the “insurance policy” FBI official Peter Strzok referred to involved an attempt to delegitimize Trump’s candidacy, and then his presidency, by framing him for Russian collusion.
  3. We know that the FBI applied for surveillance warrants on Clarence Page in order to spy on the Trump campaign and hopefully, find something damaging to use against him.
  4. The recently released FISA applications, although heavily redacted, showed how completely the FBI relied on the dossier. The FBI did not reveal the source of the document. And they used Michael Isikoff’s article to corroborate Steele’s dossier knowing that Steele was Isikoff’s source.
  5. Although it has not been confirmed, eye witnesses reported that during her closed-door testimony last week, Lisa Page said there was no criminal reason for opening a counterintelligence investigation in the summer of 2016. The motive was political.

Although we don’t yet have the full truth, we are close. It is becoming more and more difficult for Robert Mueller to continue this farce. Not only has it cast a shadow over Trump’s presidency, but recent polls suggest that most Americans are tired of it.

If Mueller has any evidence that Trump colluded with Russia, he must present it now. If not, he needs to exonerate him. For the sake of the country.





The post Show Us The Evidence Mr. Mueller appeared first on RedState.


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