Joint Press Conference from Helsinki, Finland:
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2018
You’ve probably heard that President Trump met with Vladimir Putin and held a joint press conference. You’ve also probably heard by now that many people were not happy with Trump’s tone. The concern began with a tweet from Trump before the meeting that blamed the Mueller investigation and past foreign policy for the current state of America’s rocky relationship with Russia.
Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2018
The press conference only served to fluff even more fannies when Trump seemed to go too easy on Putin, making multiple comments disparaging the U.S. media and the Mueller probe. The Twitter reviews from both the usual suspects and many conservative pundits alike were not kind.
Anyone who works for Trump is assisting a man who sides with a foreign adversary against his own country and the US government. You are enabling a treacherous puppet who cares more about his relationship with Putin than American national security interests.
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) July 16, 2018
A person can be in favor of improving relations with Russia, in favor of meeting with Putin, and still think something is not right here.
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) July 16, 2018
With that said, only Trump is the president – and his behavior today was self-serving and utterly grotesque.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) July 16, 2018
#HelsinkiSummit #TreasonSummit #TrumpPutin
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) July 16, 2018
Live from Helinski. #TrumpPutin #TreasonSummit
— If I be waspish, best (@bewaremysting) July 16, 2018
Putin, a former KGB spy chief, has a pretty good poker face. BUT even he looks like he can't believe his luck, as Trump stands next to him, on foreign soil, and trashes his own intelligence agencies, and repeatedly praises Russia.
— Ashley Parker (@AshleyRParker) July 16, 2018
What does Trump’s national intelligence director Dan Coats do now? He called Russia’s cyberattacks on America a “blinking red” warning akin to lead up to September 11 terrorist attacks. Trump said Putin’s denials were powerful and persuasive.
— Jonathan Swan (@jonathanvswan) July 16, 2018
As an American…this was embarrassing. I never thought I would see an American president side with putin over their own intel agencies. I know Trump thinks somehow this is good for him. He is wrong. And his advisors better tell him that or tell us why they won’t.
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) July 16, 2018
Trump on Russian meddling: "President Putin was incredibly strong and powerful in his denial today." Trump knows a good liar when he sees one.
— S.E. Cupp (@secupp) July 16, 2018
No President has ever looked weaker, more apologetic and less American standing next to a foreign leader than Donald Trump did next to Vladimir Putin. #TreasonSummit
— Joaquin Castro (@JoaquinCastrotx) July 16, 2018
Trump is asked, Who are you going to believe—the Russians or your own officers? And he refused to choose! Do you support your troops or Putin — and he wouldn’t choose! So my first thought goes out to those who serve this country— I’m so sorry the Commander-in-Chief is a traitor.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) July 16, 2018
President Trump’s press conference with Putin was an embarrassing spectacle. Rather than make clear that interference in our elections is unacceptable, Trump instead accepted Putin’s denials and cast doubt on the conclusions of our intelligence community. This is not normal.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) July 16, 2018
This #TreasonSummit is a low point in American history. Donald Trump, stood next to Putin and stated he believed him OVER our intelligence community. He bashed ONE political party, the media, and made it clear that he is not truly loyal to America. The GOP MUST SPEAK UP
— The Resistance Party (@ResistanceParty) July 16, 2018
Because Trump is unable to see past himself, he sees the Russia meddling investigation as only about him and the collusion claim, and thus calls it a witch hunt. But the investigations are much more about what Russia did, as the House and Senate reports long since established.
— Brit Hume (@brithume) July 16, 2018
You know how I say every time I think of stepping towards the President, he does something that causes me to step back? Exhibit A is that press conference with Putin. Geez.
— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) July 16, 2018
Not seeing any pundits praise that Trump-Putin presser, but it's easy to see how this is likely going to play out in pro-Trump media. When all else fails, they bash the media. I imagine you'll see RW media seize on criticism directed from journalists, and attack media as biased.
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) July 16, 2018
Trump is incapable of drawing distinction between collusion and interference due to his own insecurity as he sees any mention of either as an attempt to delegitimize his surprise election win.
— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) July 16, 2018
What do you think? Was this a case of Trump being Trump, Trump being clueless, or Trump being a traitor?
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