
CONSERVATIVE RALLY TURNS BLOODY=> Trump Supporter Clubbed – Blood Gushing From Head (VIDEO)

- Agustus 04, 2018

Far left communists of “antifa” clashed with the Trump-supporting Patriot Prayer in Portland, Oregon Saturday. Though the groups have clashed several times over the last year and a half, the August 4th edition is shaping up to be like none other, as both groups are upping the ante.

The rally turned bloody Saturday afternoon after a black clad Antifa thug clubbed a conservative activist with what appears to be a flag.

The conservative activist immediately dropped to the floor–blood was seen gushing from his head.

“Man down. He’s dripping blood from his head. This is serious. He got in a struggle with some black clad dudes over a flag and one of them clubbed him. Video coming,” reported Mike Bivins.



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