
Triggered! CNN Lashes Out at President Trump ‘We Don’t Lie!’

- Agustus 30, 2018

President Trump dunked on CNN and their in-house crank Carl Bernstein Wednesday evening after another botched ‘bombshell’ story fell apart.

TRUMP: CNN is being torn apart from within based on their being caught in a major lie and refusing to admit the mistake. Sloppy , a man who lives in the past and thinks like a degenerate fool, making up story after story, is being laughed at all over the country! Fake News

CNN PR lashed out at President Trump in response claiming they ‘don’t lie’ — even though they were caught in a huge lie after Lanny Davis outed himself as the anonymous source in their ‘bombshell’ Trump Tower story and admitted he lied.

CNN PR: Make no mistake, Mr. President, CNN does not lie. We report the news. And we report when people in power tell lies. CNN stands by our reporting and our reporters. There may be many fools in this story but @carlbernstein is not one of them.

Donald Trump Jr. then slammed CNN for another lie.

The backstory…

Michael Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis admitted he lied to the media when he claimed he confirmed a CNN report (with anonymous sources) about President Trump’s foreknowledge of the infamous Trump Tower meeting in June of 2016.

It gets better…

Lanny Davis then confirmed to The New York Post that he himself was one of the anonymous sources used in the bombshell report.

There’s more…

CNN actually claimed in its bombshell report wherein Lanny Davis was the anonymous source, “Contacted by CNN, one of Cohen’s attorneys, Lanny Davis, declined to comment.

Clever, CNN. Very clever.

In July, CNN rolled out a story using anonymous sources wherein they reported Michael Cohen claimed Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in advance.

Perhaps to cover their bases, CNN also reported Michael Cohen told the Senate Intel Panel last year in a closed-door interview that he didn’t know about the Trump Tower meeting in advance and didn’t know whether Trump did either.

This dumpster fire of an article was published just a couple weeks after Cohen hired sewer dweller and Clinton fixer Lanny Davis to be his lawyer.

CNN also said in their report that Michael Cohen was ready to spill the beans to Mueller that Trump not only knew about the meeting with Veselnitskaya, but approved it.

Then Lanny Davis walked back his story…

After a media firestorm over Lanny Davis and his ever-changing stories, CNN decided to stand by their article and threw Lanny Davis under the bus in the process.

Now CNN is quadrupling down on their lies by claiming they don’t lie. Unbelievable.

The post Triggered! CNN Lashes Out at President Trump ‘We Don’t Lie!’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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