Just a short while ago, Team Kavanaugh released statements from a high school and college girlfriend testifying to his good character:
Former girlfriends defend Kavanaugh pic.twitter.com/gsbyzhcwGy
— Burgess Everett (@burgessev) September 17, 2018
It is really a shame that the level of discourse has sunk that low, that an out-of-the-blue, unsubstantianted, unmentioned-for-30-years, and self-contradictory allegation is actually taken as anything but what it obviously is: a fraud perpetrated upon the nomination process.
It is equally a shame that we are past the age of dueling–or at least caning–because this kink of douchebaggery should be permanently painful if not fatal:
Not to make a blunt comparison but many of the world's most well-known serial killers were considered very nice people by their neighbors. What someone does in private and how they behave in public can be two drastically different things.
— James Kosur (@JamesKosur) September 17, 2018
But, as Brandon Morse noted today, the more Kavanaugh denies the event, the more character witnesses he produces, the more the left and the #MeToo harpies claim that is evidence of his guilt.
BREAKING. Brett Kavanaugh Issues New Statement on Bogus Allegation Thrown at Him
The Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh Add Up to a Deliberate Political Smear
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