According to a new poll, Democrats are poised to reclaim the House of Representatives.
Of course, polls also predicted a President Hillary Clinton.
Let’s hope this one — conducted September 17-21 among a group of 4,557 — is similarly accurate.
On Sunday, the CBS News Battleground Tracker survey showed the party of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ready to snag 224 seats, constituting a majority with six to spare.
CBS News points out that the Democratic Party’s lead has been ramping up for months. Since August, two predicted seats have been gained; 219 were estimated in June.
As I’ve covered elsewhere, following the swinging pendulum of politics, the opposition party usually galvanizes after the advent of a president’s first term. In line with that paradigm, the study suggests those who voted for Hillary in 2016 are currently more united than voters who favored The Donald.
As for conversion, the stats aren’t on our side: of those who pulled the lever for Trump, six percent are sittin’ on go to elect a Democrat; only two percent are rarin’ to vote the other way.
Still, it’s only September; a lot can happen between now and election day. And, perhaps, a lot will.
If the election of Trump unified Democrats, might the persecution of Kavanaugh and the hypocrisy involved (see here) motivate Republicans? Also, as November approaches, how much more vicious will the Left become? It’s skilled at shooting itself in the foot via shameful rhetoric and dishonest reports.
Essentially, whatever lead the Dems currently show is an advantage they still have time to ruin. They aren’t measured; they aren’t moderate; control is not their virtue. So let Alexandria step into the light and stumble through explanations of how she’ll make everything free (here); let Maxine Waters come unhinged on video (here and here); let Hillary Clinton warn of the coming days of slavery (here); let Nancy Pelosi speak of ridiculous doom (here); let Jim Acosta eschew journalistic integrity for pitiful political activism (here); let TV hosts display no sense of class or respect (EVERYWHERE). And let all those things galvanize the Right, as they push away would-be left-wing voters.
And maybe — just maybe — the polls will be as wrong again, the Dems will fail again, and yet another election will again Make America Great.
Thank you for reading! What do you think November will bring? How do you see the Left managing themselves between now and then? Do you put any faith in polls? Please let us all know in the Comments section below.
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