
Cody Wilson, Plaintiff in 3D Printed Gun Plan Case, Charged With Sexual Assault

- September 20, 2018

Cody Wilson, a man demonized by the left after they figured out what his company’s victory in a free speech lawsuit meant for gun control, has been charged with sexual assault of an underage girl in Texas.

Of course, anti-gunners went on the attack without reading the story. Alyssa Milano (who’s grabbing her breasts in her profile picture – doesn’t that promote objectification?) tweets:

Buzzfeed reports:

On Aug. 22, the Austin Police Department received a call from a counselor who said that her client — a female under the age of 17 — told her that she had sex with a 30-year-old white male in a hotel room in Austin on Aug. 15 and was paid $500.

The girl told authorities that she met Wilson on the website SugarDaddyMeet.com where she had created a profile. She said that she exchanged messages and cell phone numbers with Wilson whose screen name was “Sanjuro,” according to the affidavit.

She told authorities that “Sanjuro” identified himself as Cody Wilson and told her that he was “a big deal.” She alleged that he sent her pictures of his penis during their conversations, and that she sent him a naked picture of herself.

She told police that she and Wilson arranged to meet in person on Aug. 15 in the parking lot of a coffee shop, after which she said that Wilson drove her to a hotel in his black Ford Edge at around 8:35 p.m.

Using surveillance video from the hotel, police confirmed that the two arrived in a vehicle that was registered to Wilson’s company, Defense Distributed.

At first glance it looks horrible, but there are a few slight wrinkles.

The most glaring problem is that on the SugarDaddyMeet website, one must state they are 18 to join. The Service Agreement states:

1.2 You must be at least 18 years of age to register as a Member of SDM.com or to use the SDM.com website. Membership in the Service is void where prohibited.

The site also assures users that other users’ identities have been verified.

It would be reasonable for Cody Wilson to believe that the girl he was chatting with was over 18. Nothing in the information provided so far indicates that she told Wilson she wasn’t 18.

The affidavit states that after Wilson and the girl had sex, that he gave her $500 in cash, which could be considered prostitution. But, the SugarDaddyMeet.com website is set up for girls who want the “finer things” and someone to “take care of you – perhaps financially.”

Did they enter an agreement for her to have sex with him in exchange for a set amount? It’s unclear. If they didn’t, it’s just as plausible that he was being, well, a sugar daddy. If Wilson just wanted sex, he could have gone on Tinder  or, heck, even Match.com. The word on the street is that all a man has to pony up then is dinner (not even a nice one) and drinks. But he was on a sugar daddy website, which has a different connotation.

It’s difficult to see how this is not a form of entrapment. From reading what’s been released so far, it seems that the Austin Police Department went after him for political reasons.

Rape and sexual assault are serious issues. Sending a man nudes then voluntarily meeting him at a hotel room to have sex does not equal sexual assault.

Follow me on Twitter @jenvanlaar and Facebook.

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The post Cody Wilson, Plaintiff in 3D Printed Gun Plan Case, Charged With Sexual Assault appeared first on RedState.


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