
Cory Booker and the NJ Democrats Use Their Own Alarmism of Kavanaugh to Fundraise During Hearing

- September 04, 2018

To never let a crisis go to waste, one first must have a crisis. If you don’t have one, create one.

That seems to be the method by which Democrats are handling Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing, which has been nothing short of a circus of alarmism, sensationalism, and attempts at diversions.

Democrats have the left going into literal hysterics over Kavanaugh, who are pulling out all the stops in order to paint President Trump’s nominee as the very destruction of America. As such, protesters have spent a good part of Kavanaugh’s hearing screaming at the top of their lungs in order to interrupt the proceedings.

Interestingly, the New Jersey Democratic State Committee seemed to have a plan to take advantage of this crisis right in line with New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker’s remarks on Kavanaugh. The NJDSC sent out this email warning those on the list that Kavanaugh makes “decisions that are detrimental to everyday Americans.”

Right alongside all this was a request to sign up for a list and join people who oppose Kavanaugh’s nomination.

And wouldn’t you know it? When you sign the petition, it takes you straight to a fundraising website where you can donate certain dollar amounts to the NJDSC.

That Democrats are sensationalizing Kavanaugh isn’t at all surprising. They have a lot to lose if he’s confirmed, and would rather hold out for as long as possible until after the midterms when they have a better chance of putting another leftist in the seat.

With Kavanaugh, the left is in crisis, not America. However, since it’s the left that’s in crisis, it’s easier to appeal to the panicked left to give up donation dollars in order to help fight for cause X, Y, or Z. That panic, however, could not exist unless they started it, and Booker played his part during the hearing well enough for that.

Or so they believe.

The post Cory Booker and the NJ Democrats Use Their Own Alarmism of Kavanaugh to Fundraise During Hearing appeared first on RedState.


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