
Ex-CIA Chief John Brennan Lashes Out at Kavanaugh ‘His Partisanship and Temperament Are Disqualifying of a SCOTUS Seat’

- September 30, 2018

Former CIA Director-turned-Twitter-troll John Brennan called Christine Ford a “national treasure” then lashed out at Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday afternoon.

Brennan praised Senator Jeff Flake for throwing the SCOTUS confirmation vote into chaos by calling for an FBI probe into Kavanaugh.

Mr. Brennan also slammed Senator Lindsey Graham for sticking up for Kavanaugh. Graham blasted Democrats Thursday for destroying Kavanaugh’s life in order to hold the SCOTUS seat open; he called it the most unethical sham he had ever seen.

BRENNAN: Key takeaways this week: Dr. Ford is a national treasure; Sen. Jeff Flake is an admirable man with a conscience, while craven politician Lindsey Graham is not; Kavanaugh’s temperament and blatant partisanship are disqualifying of a Supreme Court seat.

Brett Kavanaugh delivered an emotional yet bold, 45-minute testimony on Thursday.

The Democrats dragged out the process and it took 10 days to hold the hearing–in that 10 days, the media ran one hit piece after another against Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh was angry at Senator Feinstein for making him wait 10 excruciating days to testify. From the time Christine Ford brought forth her uncorroborated claims of sexual assault against Kavanaugh to the day he testified, the evil leftists and media rolled out multiple women accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

Mr. Kavanaugh’s wife and daughters even received death threats because of the left-wing-media assault on his character.

Brett Kavanaugh was understandably upset–as any man would be in his circumstance, yet the media once again attacked him and painted him as an ‘angry white man.’

It is becoming increasingly clear that this attack on Kavanaugh was an orchestrated political hit straight from the swamp.

All the usual suspects, such as Brennan, are climbing out of their holes to attack Kavanaugh whilst praising Christine Ford.

The post Ex-CIA Chief John Brennan Lashes Out at Kavanaugh ‘His Partisanship and Temperament Are Disqualifying of a SCOTUS Seat’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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