
Failed Former President Spouts Off Against Trump in Denmark – Rails Against Racial, Nationalistic Politics

- September 29, 2018

President Trump took control of the American economy and turned it around in 18 months.
President Trump broke record after record since becoming US President.
President Trump also brought peace talks to Korea and the US embassy to Jerusalem.

It’s no surprise the former President Obama is feeling down lately.
This week Obama is traveling across Europe trashing President Trump and his supporters.

Yahoo.com reported:

Former US president Barack Obama warned Friday against rising nationalism as he painted a grim picture of American and global politics on a visit to Denmark.

“I’m concerned enough about the international and American trends that I thought it was important to offer my views,” he told entrepreneurs and students in the Danish central city of Kolding.

“When you start seeing our politics driven completely free of facts, when you start seeing a debate that is driven solely on racial or nationalistic impulses, when you start seeing a rejection of science and expertise and logic in politics… we are beyond the sort of politics that will continue our best traditions,” he added.

Relatively discreet since leaving the White House on January 20, 2017, the 44th President of the United States carefully avoided any direct reference to his successor Donald Trump.

The post Failed Former President Spouts Off Against Trump in Denmark – Rails Against Racial, Nationalistic Politics appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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