
James Woods: Letter From a Twitterham Jail

- September 23, 2018

Conservative actor James Woods was put in Twitter jail last week over his posting of a meme back in July that mocked beta male Democrats. Twitter is demanding he delete the tweet to get reinstated, which Woods refuses, on the grounds of Free Speech, to do. Twitter claims the meme “includes text and imagery that has the potential to be misleading in a way that could impact an election.”

James Woods with Sara Miller at the Writers Guild Awards West Coast, February 19, 2017, image via YouTube.


On Saturday Woods’ friend and acting spokeswoman on Twitter, Sara Miller, posted a letter by Woods from the Twitterham jail.

Woods closed his letter with this message:

“The reason I’m sending this to you is that, liberal or conservative, I know every single one of you agrees that this muzzle on free speech is a cancer that, if allowed to metastasize, will destroy this nation and everything it stands for.”

Notice to Woods from Twitter suspending his account:

Hello: We received a report about one of your tweets which includes text and imagery that has the potential to be misleading in a way that could impact an election.

In order to use your account again you will need to log in and delete the tweet.



Note: A full transcription of Woods’ letter will be added later.

The post James Woods: Letter From a Twitterham Jail appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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