Screengrab from https://twitter.com/cspan/status/1037415541558964224
Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey, along with Facebook’s COO and Hillary Clinton fan girl (here | here)Sheryl Sandberg, were testifying, and by that I mean lying their asses off, before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on, among other subjects, how Twitter and Facebook are actively restricting the ability of users to communicate outside a certain parameter of beliefs. Dorsey, for instance
Twitter CEO @jack Dorsey: "Recently, we failed our intended impartiality. Our algorithms were unfairly filtering 600,000 accounts including some members of Congress from our search autocomplete and latest results. We fixed it." pic.twitter.com/TWvNeaFCD9
— FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) September 5, 2018
Amazingly, the “some members of Congress” was limited to Republicans Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, and Devin Nunes.
As Dorsey was spinning his tale of fairness and equanimity, he was heckled. Laura Looomer (who I have to admit I’m deliberately unfamiliar with) stood in the back of the room and began shouting that Dorsey was a liar [FACT CHECK: Mostly True]. Duplicitous douchenozzle, or not, I’m pretty much opposed to the peanut gallery interfering with a Congressional committee pretending to care about an issue. I don’t think we should make a fetish of decorum but, absent some grave provocation we should try to maintain it for the good of institutions. The committee chair called for her to be in order, neverthelesss she persisted and security was told to remove her. As this drama was playing out, Missouri Republican Bill Long engaged in what can only be called active countermeasures.
Far-right activist Laura Loomer just interrupted the House hearing and started shouting that @jack is a liar. Note how Rep. Long responded pic.twitter.com/XurpPXdP4K
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) September 5, 2018
You get better audio of Long on this video starting at 0:32.
As a protester interrupts hearing with @Twitter CEO @Jack Dorsey, Rep. Billy Long (@USRepLong @auctnr1), a former auctioneer, takes action.
Watch full hearing with here: https://t.co/Gh099bDc9w pic.twitter.com/e4bRzvtBe1
— CSPAN (@cspan) September 5, 2018
As you might have figured out, Long was at one point a professional auctioneer. if not his Twitter handle is a clue https://twitter.com/auctnr1.
How do we get him over to the Senate Judiciary Committee to give answers to the Democrat questions to Kavanaugh?
The post Laura Loomer Gets Owned (Or Sold) By GOP Rep. Billy Long appeared first on RedState.