
McConnell Announces From Senate Floor ‘All 51 Republican Senators Support Motion to Proceed to Kavanaugh Nomination’ (VIDEO)

- September 29, 2018

Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made an announcement from the Senate floor Friday evening after President Trump authorized a limited scope supplemental FBI probe of Kavanaugh.

McConnell said the full Senate will begin considering Kavanaugh’s confirmation today–“All 51 Republican Senators support the motion to proceed to the nomination,” said McConnell.

The Majority Leader also said the Senate is officially out until Monday.

McConnell: Today, with the unanimous support of my conference, the Senate will proceed to the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States.

McConnell: Earlier today, our colleagues on @senjudiciary concluded their thorough, months-long consideration of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination and voted to advance it to the Senate floor with a favorable recommendation.

McConnell: Brett Kavanaugh is one of the most qualified and most impressive Supreme Court nominees in memory. This is a nomination that deserves to move forward — and that is precisely what is happening.

McConnell said, “I’m pleased to announce that all 51 Republican members of the Senate support the motion to proceed to the nomination.”


McConnell continued, “The Committee has also thoroughly investigated the last-minute allegations that have been brought forward. The evidence that has been produced either fails to corroborate these accusations or in fact supports Judge Kavanaugh’s unequivocal denial.”

The GOP reached an agreement after outgoing Senator Jeff Flake asked for the US Senate to delay the House floor vote for a week.

On Friday afternoon, Flake asked for an FBI investigation into the baseless charges against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

President Trump ordered a ‘limited scope’ supplemental FBI probe of Kavanaugh–this should take very little time to wrap up.

As expected, Ford’s lawyer, Debra Katz requested no time or scope to the FBI probe.

Mitch McConnell has made it very clear that as the Senate Majority Leader he will work to get Kavanaugh confirmed to the Supreme Court as quickly as possible.

The post McConnell Announces From Senate Floor ‘All 51 Republican Senators Support Motion to Proceed to Kavanaugh Nomination’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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